Department of Mathematics

Department management


Head of Department Prof. Dr. Stefan Teufel
phone: 07071 / 29-74315
office: C4A39
Deputy Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Hannah Markwig
phone: 07071 / 29-74316
office: C5P40

Head of Department Administration

Dr. Lars Schneider
phone: 07071 / 29-72421
office: C3A05


Sigrid Braun
phone: 07071 / 29-72422
office: C3A02

Carolin Gehlen
phone: 07071 / 29-72420
office: C3A14

Katja Mischke

phone: 07071 / 29-72418

office: C3A08

Equal Opportunities Officer Dr. Stefan Keppeler
phone: 07071 / 29-78589
office: C4P31

Study and Examination Matters

Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Thomas Markwig
phone.: 07071 / 29-76702
office: C6A29
Head of Bachelor/Master of Science Board of Examiners (Mathematics)

Prof. Dr. Peter Pickl
phone: 07071 / 29-78571
office: C4A33

Head of Bachelor/Master of Education Board of Examiners (Mathematics)

Prof. Dr. Frank Loose
phone: 07071 / 29-72898
office: C4A42

Head of Master Board of Examiners (Mathematical Physics) Prof. Dr. Peter Pickl
phone: 07071 / 29-78571
office: C4A33
Erasmus coordinator (interntional studies, incoming, outgoing)

JProf. Dr. Daniele Agostini

Tel.: 07071 / 29-76694

Raum: C5P22

Commissioner for 1. Staatsexamen (teaching degree)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Bohle
phone: 07071 / 29-77459
office: C5P28

Examinations Office Mathematics and Physics

Sandra Grahl
phone: 07071 / 29-76168
Wilhelmstraße 19, 72074 Tübingen

Research Group Secretaries

Algebra (Prof. Batyrev, Prof. Hausen) Martina Neu
phone: 07071 / 29-73273
office: C6A46
Analysis (Prof. Deitmar, Prof. Schätzle)

Manuel Newen (part time)
phone: 07071 / 29-78586
office: C5A23

Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry (JProf. Agostini, Prof. H. Markwig)

Elke Nerz (part time)

phone: 07071 / 29-77335

office: C5P46

Geometry (Prof. Bohle) Elke Nerz (part time)
phone: 07071 / 29-77335
office: C5P46

Geometric Analysis, Differential Geometry,

and Relativity Theory (Prof. Cederbaum, Prof. Huisken)

Martina Neu
phone: 07071 / 29-78562
office: C6P25
Mathematical Methods in Computer Science (JProf. Eckstein)


phone: 07071 / 29-78694

office: C6A11

Mathematical Physics (JProf. Capel Cuevas,

Prof. Lemm, Prof. Pickl, Prof. Teufel)

Elena Kabagema-Bilan (part time)
phone: 07071 / 29-78577
office: C4A36
Mathematics and its Didactics (Prof. Paravicini)


phone: 07071 / 29-78694

office: C6A11

Numerical Analysis (Prof. Lubich, Prof. Prohl) N.N.
phone: 07071 / 29-78575 or 78576
office: C3P22 or C2A29
Probability (Prof. Möhle)

managed by:

Carolin Gehlen and Katja Mischke

(Department Administration)

phone: 07071 / 29-72420 and -72418

office: C3A11 and C3A08


For more information, please refer to the current staff directory.