Juristische Fakultät

Kaan Atanisev, M.A.

Project member in the subproject on migration, segregation and crime within the joint project "migsst" (Migration and Safety in the City).

Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management
Neue Aula, room 029
72074 Tübingen

Academic Career

2018 - today
Research Associate

at the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management

Masters degree in Sociology

at the University Tübingen

Bachelors degree in Sociology und Political Sciences

at the University Tübingen

Since 2018 Kaan Atanisev has been employed as a Research Associate at the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Until 2019 he worked, inter alia, in the BMBF-funded research project SiBa (Safety in Main Station Districts). He is currently in charge of the BMBF-funded research project migsst (Migration and Safety in the City).
Kaan Atanisev holds a bachelor's degree in Sociology and Political Sciences and a master's degree in Sociology with a focus on empirical social research from the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. He is doing his doctorate on negotiation processes of deviance and belonging which is embedded in the research project migsst.

Research Projects

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