Juristische Fakultät

Meike Hecker, Dr. rer. soc.

Research Fellow funded by the Innovation Grants

Meike Hecker is now working for Deutsch-Europäischen Forum für Urbane Sicherheit (DEFUS). You can contact her at heckerspam prevention@defus.de.

Academic Career

2021 - 2023
Research Fellow

fundedy by the Innovation Grants at the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management

2013 - 2020
Research Associate

at the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management


on the perception of police legitimacy in urban areas

Research Associate

Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg

Masters degree in International Criminology

at the University Hamburg

Semester abroad

at the Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand

Bachelors degree in Sociology/Psychology

ahttps://backend.uni-tuebingen.de/typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Public/Icons/T3Icons/actions/actions-view-list-collapse.svgt the University Hamburg

Dr. Meike Hecker worked as a Research Fellow funded by the Innovation Grants at the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management of Prof. Dr. Haverkamp at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen since 2013. Before, she was employed as a Research Associate and successfully obtained her doctorate in July 2018 on trust in the city and the perception of police legitimacy in urban areas. Her dissertation was realized in the context of her work at the Endowed Professorship in the joint project VERSS (Aspects of a Just Distribution of Security).
Previously, Meike Hecker worked in a DFG (German Research Foundation) project on crime prevention effects of anti-corruption programs at the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg. She completed her master's degree in International Criminology and her bachelor's degree in Sociology at the University of Hamburg. During her studies, Meike Hecker spent a semester abroad at the University of Wellington, New Zealand, and wrote her masters thesis on police reconstruction in Burundi in cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).


Dr. Meike Hecker's dissertation "Vertrauen in die Stadt - Vertrauen in der Stadt. Die Wahrnehmungen polizeilicher Legitimität im städtischen Raum" was published in December 2018. It is part of the series "Zivile Sicherheit", edited by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Jörg Albrecht, Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp, Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaufmann and Peter Zoche, M.A.

Research Projects


  • 22.09.2016
    Prosperous, Tidy and Safe? The Perception of Incivilities in more or less Privileged Neighbourhoods in Germany
    with Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp
    Presentation at the 16th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim 2016) dated 21. - 24.09.2016
    Location: Münster (Germany)

  • 03.09.2015
    Distributive Justice in Crime Prevention
    in Urban Contexts:
    Just Ways of it's Distribution in two German Cities

    with Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp
    15th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim 2015) dated 02.-05.09.2015
    Location: Porto (Portugal)

  • 11.09.2014
    Distributive Justice in Crime Prevention
    with Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp
    14th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim 2014) dated 11.-13.09.2014
    Location: Prague (Czech Republic)

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