Juristische Fakultät

Ina Hennen, M.Sc.

Project responsible in the joint project "LegiNot – Legitimation des Notfalls - Legitimationswandel im Notfall" (Legitimation of the Emergency).

Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management

ina.hennenspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Academic Career

2017 - 2023
Research Associate

at the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management

March - June 2023
Doctoral Visiting Researcher

at the University of Maribor (location Ljubljana), supervised by Prof. Dr. Gorazd Meško; funded by the Scientific Society Freiburg

September 2022 - March 2023
Freelance Social Scientist

Support and scientific advisory for the project group 'Bahnhofsviertel', City of Esslingen a.N.

Masters degree in Criminology

at the University Malmö, Sweden

September 2014 - March 2015
Intern in Human Resources

at the COMPAREX AG, Leipzig

Bachelors degree in Sociology

at the University Leipzig

Semester abroad

at the University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland

Ina Hennen has been employed at the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management of Prof. Dr. Haverkamp at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen from 2017 until 2023. In February 2019, she started her doctorate on a praxeological analysis of the practices and everyday routines of Municipal Law Enforcement Services (MLES; supervised by Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaufmann and Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp). Amongst others, Ina Hennen worked as a Research Associate in the joint projects LegiNot (Legitimation of the Emergency) and SiBa (Safety in the Main Station District). From March until June 2023 she stayed at the University of Maribor (location Ljubljana, Slovenia) as a Doctoral Visiting Researcher with Prof. Dr. Gorazd Meško.

She completed her master's degree in Criminology at the University of Malmö and her bachelor's degree in Sociology at the University Leipzig. During her studies, she spent a semester abroad at the University College Dublin, Ireland. She wrote her master's thesis on "Hot Spot 'Knarkrondellen' - An evaluation of Police Interventions in Malmö". The thesis was published in the Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing.

Research Projects

Publications (English only)

  • Hennen, I. (2022) Ethnographic semantics and documentary method in criminology. A combination of reconstructive approaches using the example of Municipal Law Enforcement Services. In: Crime, Law and Social Change (Special Issue). Available online.
  • Hennen, Ina; Gerell, Manne (2019) Hot Spot 'Knarkrondellen'. An evaluation of Police Interventions in Malmö. In: Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing, Issue 2, p. 111-135. Available online.

Presentations (English only)

  • 02.11.2023
    Fighting the ‘Hydra’. A conceptual shift from cascading disasters to cascading decision-making and its benefits for understanding resilience

    Presentation at the NEEDS Conference, 31.10. - 02.11.2023 (together with Tjorven Harmsen)
    Location: Enschede, Netherlands
  • 19.04.2023
    "Neither fish nor fowl" - Municipal Law Enforcement Services (MLES) in Germany

    Presentation at the 6th International Student Conference on Local Safety and Security - Crime Prevention and Providing Security in Rural and Urban Settings (19.04.2023)
    Location: Podgorica, Montenegro
  • 23.09.2022
    Between Teletubbies and Ninja-Turtles: Municipal Law Enforcement Services in a field of conflicting expectations

    Presentation and Session Chair at the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (ESC) (21.09. - 24.09.2022)
    Location: Málaga, Spain

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