Juristische Fakultät

Ines Hohendorf, Dr. rer. soc.

Project manager in the subproject on risks and safety potentials of main station districts in the joint project "SiBa - Sicherheit im Bahnhofsviertel".
Project member in the Evaluation of the Municipal Law Enforcement Service Munich (KAD).

Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management
Neue Aula
72074 Tübingen

infospam prevention@skur.uni-tuebingen.de

Academic Career

2015 - 2022
Research Associate

at the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management


on violence in relationships of young people in the context of internalized gender-specific role stereotypes

Masters degree in Sociology and Criminology

at the University Tübingen

Bachelors degree in German Philology and Sociology

at the University Karlsruhe (TH)

Since 2015 Ines Hohendorf is employed as a Research Associate at the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Here she is, inter alia, responsible for the BMBF-funded research project SiBa ("Sicherheit im Bahnhofsviertel"). In February 2019, she completed her doctoral thesis on violence in relationships of young people in the context of internalized gender-specific role stereotypes.
Ines Hohendorf completed a bachelor's degree in German Philology and Sociology at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) and a master's degree in Sociology and Criminology at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Her master's thesis on coping strategies in relational violence was published in the Tübingen Writings and Materials on Criminology.


In July 2019, Dr. Ines Hohendorf's dissertation was published under the title "Geschlecht und Partnergewalt. Eine rollentheoretische Untersuchung von Beziehungsgewalt junger Menschen" was published. It appears in the series "Kriminalsoziologie", edited by Prof. Dr. Dieter Hermann, PD Dr. Andreas Pöge and Prof. Dr. Daniela Pollich.


  • 20.09.2019
    Crime in train station districts - Individual coping strategies and social trust
    with Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp
    19. Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (ESC) dated 16.-21.09.2019 
    Location: Ghent (Belgium)
  • 20.09.2019
    Gender beliefs and intimate partner violence among young people
    19. Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (ESC) dated 16.-21.09.2019
    Location: Ghent (Belgium)
  • 20.09.2019
    Moderation of the Panels "Gender criminology 3"
    19. Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (ESC) dated 16.-21.09.2019
    Location: Ghent (Belgium)

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