
Travel by plane

The closest international airport is Stuttgart (STR). At the airport take the bus number 828 ("Airportsprinter", direction Tuebingen Omnibusbahnhof). The bus leaves Stuttgart airport every 30 minutes and the ride to Tuebingen takes 1 hour. Schedules can be downloaded here. A taxi ride from the airport takes about 35 min and costs around 70 EUR.

Travel by train

The main train station is Tübingen Hbf (or Omnibusbahnhof Tuebingen). From there, take one of the bus lines 13,18,19 or 5 (ask for direction Universität-Morgenstelle). Please leave the bus at the stop "BG Unfallklinik". Tickets can be bought in the bus (coins only). The ticket costs 2.30 € an it is valid for one trip even if you have to change the bus.

Travel by car

From the Autobahn (expressway) A 81 Stuttgart - Singen:
Leave the expressway at "Herrenberg" and take the direction to Tuebingen (B 28). Immediately after arriving at Tuebingen turn left to Hagellocher Weg, following the signs to "Naturwissenschaftliche Institute". After 2 km turn right to Ebenhalde and after 500 m turn right again. We recommend to use the parking garage "Ebenhalde".

From the Autobahn (expressway) A 8 Munich - Stuttgart:
Leave the expressway at Stuttgart-Flughafen and follow the direction to Tuebingen (B27). In Tuebingen, look out for signs "Tuebingen Nord" and follow the signs to the "BG Unfallklinik" (turn left into Wilhelmstrasse then at the "Jet" fuel station turn right to "BG Unfallklinik"). We recommend to use the parking garage "Ebenhalde".