Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Projects of the group

Current Projects

Name Description Funds


The goal of BioProS is to optimize the production processes for therapeutic viruses through better quality control. A biohybrid sensor technology monitors cell-based virus infection cycles in real time. For this purpose, optical sensor technology is combined with cell-based measurement principles.


Biointelligente Sensorik The interdisciplinary project “Biointelligente Sensorik" ("biointelligent sensor technology") is located between basic research and method development and aims at the applicability for the characterization of viral therapeutics.This is achieved through an elegant combination of time-resolved, label-free sensor technology with cells as a recognition element. University of Tübingen
PaperSens II The project " On-Chip kalibrierender Biosensor für kleine Analyten im Bereich POCT und Umweltanalytik " is about the development of a lateral flow test for the quantification of small analytes. The quantification is achieved by internal calibration with the standard addition method, which also corrects matrix effects. To realise an internal calibration, the test strips are structured into several channels using a laser method. The individual channels can be used to add defined amounts of analyte to sample aliquots. A smartphone camera and an app are used for the detection without any additional equipment. BMWK