Proseminar/Seminar: 3D Vision
This combined proseminar/seminar is on 3D Computer Vision. It can be taken by both Bachelor students (as Proseminar) and Master students (as Seminar). Students write and review reports and present a topic in the field of 3D vision in groups of 2 students.
Qualification Goals
Students gain a deep unterstanding of a scientific topic. They learn to efficiently search, navigate and read relevant literature and to summarize a topic clearly in their own words in a written report. Moreover, students present their topic to an audience of students and researchers, and provide feedback to others in the form of reviews and discussions. During the seminar, students learn to put scientific research into context, practice critical thinking and identify advantages and problems of a studied scientific method.
- Course number: ML-4507
- Credits: 3 ECTS (2h)
- Total Workload: 90h
- The seminar is held in a physical format in MvL6
- Presence is mandatory during all scheduled sessions
- Report (5-6 pages, double column, excluding references)
- Presentation (25-30 minutes, max. 20 slides)
- Review of another report (1 page, double column)
- Discussion (during all presentations)
- Basic Computer Science skills: Variables, functions, loops, classes, algorithms
- Basic Math skills: Linear algebra, analysis, probability theory
- Basic knowledge of Deep Learning is beneficial, but not required
- Basic knowledge of Computer Vision is beneficial, but not required
- To participate in this seminar, you must register in ILIAS
Links to Latex/Overleaf templates for reports, reviews and slides. Reports and reviews must use the corresponding template. Presentation slides can be done with other tools, e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote.
- Report template:
- Review template:
- Slide template:
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