Application Guidelines

We are always looking for motivated PostDocsPhD students and BSc/MSc thesis students interested in computer vision and machine learning. Based on availability, we also offer student assistant (Hiwi) jobs. In general, we are looking for students with good analytical skills who are highly-motivated, curious, and creative. Applicants should have a Master's degree (or equivalent) in computer science, mathematics, or a closely related field. A good mathematical understanding, very good coding and strong English skills (reading, writing and speaking) are required. Prior research experience and a background in computer vision and/or machine learning are expected. This document provides you with more information on the application process and the required materials.

There are several ways to work with us (availability of these positions varies across the year):

  • PostDoc: A PostDoc will typically receive funding for 2-3 years to work on cutting-edge research topics in our group, help supervise PhD students and develop the necessary skills to become an independent researcher. PostDocs must possess a PhD degree and must have published in top-tier computer vision, machine learning or NLP.
  • PhD Student: A PhD student will typically work with us for 3-4 years during which we will provide funding. PhD applicants should possess a Masters degree. We welcome unsolicited applications, but mostly hire through our graduate programs ELLIS and International Max Planck Research School.
  • BSc/MSc Thesis Students: If you are pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's program at the University of Tübingen, have specialized yourself in computer vision, machine learning or graphics with very good grades, please visit this page for more information about possible projects.
  • Student Assistants (Hiwis): If you are interested in joining us as a student assistant (typically student assistants work on 40h/month contracts), please visit this page.

To apply (PostDoc/PhD), please send your full application package as a single pdf file to a.geigerspam, including:

  • Resume or CV: Classical tabular CV which includes your contact details, your date-of-birth, a current photograph, all stages of education and employment, hobbies, awards, your skills (writing/coding), link to your website or github site and a list of scientific publications.
  • List of 2 references: Name and email address of 2 people who you have worked with in the past (preferrably from different universities) and who know your research capabilities.
  • Research statement: A document which describes your past and future research agenda (1-2 pages). Your past research may include your Bachelor and Master theses, student seminars as well as publications if available. Your future research should show your current research interests, specific topics you would like to work on, how they connect with our research and why you are passionate about them.
  • Research samples: Links to 2-3 research papers, reports or theses you have written yourself (links to Dropbox or your website are sufficient).
  • Code samples: If available, links to source code samples you have written (links to github or your website are sufficient).
  • Transcripts: Scans of your Master and Bachelor certificates. Scans of student rankings and awards, if available.

Note that generic applications or applications which indicate that this page has not been read will be ignored without reply.

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