inPHAP – Interactive Phased Haplotype Visualization

inPHAP is our interactive phased haplotype visualization tool, featuring a variety of interaction possibilities such as zooming, sorting, filtering and aggregation of rows in order to explore patterns hidden in large genetic datasets. inPHAP can be applied on datasets with up to 100GB of file size, enabling users to visualize even such large datasets efficiently.


G. Jäger, A. Peltzer, and K. Nieselt. inPHAP: Interactive visualization of genotype and phased haplotype data, BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:200, doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-200

Using inPHAP

Download inPHAP as a single executable Java application here
inPHAP requires a functional Java 7 Runtime Environment (JRE 7) installed, although Java 8 should work, too.
After starting inPHAP you may load a dataset of your choice using the ”New” button or the File Menu available in the graphical user interface.


Some of the sample material referenced in the inPHAP paper can be downloaded here. The sample data is available in ZIP compressed format, including two datasets created from the 1000 Genome Haplotype dataset accompanied by the corresponding SNP or Subject Metadata.

Download Example Dataset

Example Screencast

To give end users a more detailed overview of the capabilities of inPHAP, we produced a small webcast, introducing the most prominent features of inPHAP in a short video you may watch here:


For questions and bug reports please contact Kay Nieselt.

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