Neural Information Processing

Journal Club Winter Term 2017/18

Day, time & location:

During term time:
Mondays from 10:30 till 12:00 hrs, weekly, starting on October 23rd, 2017
72076 Tübingen, Sand 6, room F230


Students can obtain 2 ECTS for the active participation in the Journal Club (non graded, only pass or fail). Active participation implies, first, that students have to present at least one paper during term. Second, they have to attend the Journal Club regularly: non-attendance will only be tolerated once per term (unless the student provides a doctor's note).

Finally, the number of participants at the Journal Club is strictly limited to 10, and members of the NIP lab take precedence over external students. Thus in practice there is a limit of 2, 3 or maximally 4 external students per term, depending on the number of current NIP lab members.

23.10.2017 Tom WallisIntroduction and paper assignment
30.10.2017no journal club
06.11.2017 Tom WallisFirestone, C., & Scholl, B. J. (2016). Cognition does not affect perception: Evaluating the evidence for “top-down” effects. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39. (target article)
13.11.2017 Bernhard LangFirestone, C., & Scholl, B. J. (2016). Cognition does not affect perception: Evaluating the evidence for “top-down” effects. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39. (commentaries and reply)
20.11.2017Jonathan ÖsterleStein, T., & Peelen, M. V. (2015). Content-Specific Expectations Enhance Stimulus Detectability by Increasing Perceptual Sensitivity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
27.11.2017Uli WannekWitzel, C., & Hansen, T. (2015). Memory effects on color perception. In A. J. Elliot, M. D. Fairchild, & A. Franklin (Eds.), Handbook of Color Psychology (pp. 641–659). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
04.12.2017Jan LauseWyart, V., Nobre, A. C., & Summerfield, C. (2012). Dissociable prior influences of signal probability and relevance on visual contrast sensitivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(9), 3593–3598.
11.12.2017Tom WallisNeri, P. (2017). Object segmentation controls image reconstruction from natural scenes. PLOS Biology, 15(8), e1002611.
18.12.2017Wiebke RingelsJogan, M., & Stocker, A. (2014). A new two-alternative forced choice method for the unbiased characterization of perceptual bias and discriminability. Journal of Vision, 14(3), 1–18.
08.01.2018Jan LauseStorrs, K. R. (2015). Are high-level aftereffects perceptual? Frontiers in Psychology, 6. AND Morgan, M. J. (2014). A bias-free measure of retinotopic tilt adaptation. Journal of Vision, 14(1).
22.01.2018Felix WichmannFinlayson, N. J., Papageorgiou, A., & Schwarzkopf, D. S. (2017). A new method for mapping perceptual biases across visual space. Journal of Vision, 17(9), 5.
29.01.2018Heiko SchüttSridharan, D., Steinmetz, N. A., Moore, T., & Knudsen, E. I. (2014). Distinguishing bias from sensitivity effects in multialternative detection tasks. Journal of Vision, 14(9), 16–16.



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