Modules Master
Course title:
Theories of Vision
Module number MKOGW22
Type of Module Elective (Wahlpflicht)
Credits allocated 3 LP
Workload 90 h
Contact time 30 h / 2 SWS
Self-study 60 h
Course length
1 semester
Frequency of course
Triennially in the summer term; currently scheduled for 2027 and 2030
Limited number of participants
20 (limited to allow discussion)
Type of Course Seminar
Exam & Grading
Average (50/50) of the grade for the presentation and the accompanying hand-out
How the world is created in our mind: Theories of visual perception.
The course is particularly suitable for students with an interest in visual perception and its theoretical foundations: How is the visual world created in our mind? We will discuss the most prominent theoretical accounts and theories, from Barlow's "grandmother-cells" to Gestalt theories, from Gibson's "ecological optics" to the "Bayesian brain", from Hoffman's "interface theory" to predictive coding.
Learning Targets:
Participants learn about the most important theories of perception. The course should enable them to see and critically evaluate connections between experimental data and the theories and models of visual perception.
Allowable for
- Kognitionswissenschaft - Master, Studienbereich Wahlpflcihtmodule Natürliche Kognition
- Informatik - Master
- Bioinformatik - Master
- Medieninformatik - Master
- Medizininformatik - Master
Prerequisites Basic knowledge in mathematics and statistics is required; basic knowledge of the fundamentals of visual perception is helpful.
Course Co-ordinator Prof. Felix Wichmann, DPhil
Suggested reading Literature will be announced at the beginning of the lecture course and seminar series.