TüBMI 2024

Schedule: 21 June 2024, 9 am - 5 pm
Venue: Alte Aula

We are delighted to have our 13th TüBMI (former TüBiT) in the Alte Aula. 21 PhD students will present their research with talks and posters, we are looking forward to have fruitful discussions, and to bring together the Bio- and Medical Informatics research community in Tübingen.

We are very pleased that our alumna Dr. Charlotta Früchtenicht (Roche) will be our guest to give a keynote talk.

Session I

Chair: Manfred Claassen

9:00 am: Welcome

9:10 am: BMI Lab Flash Talks
Brief introduction of TüBMI research groups by their group leaders

9:40 am: Dominic Boceck (Ossowski Group)
Identification of causal variants in rare disease patients using machine learning methods

10:05 am: Coffee Break

Session II

Chair: Hadeer Elhabashy

10:35 am: Science Speed Dating I

11:15 am: Mikel Martinez-Goikoetxea (Lupas Group)
Coiled-Coil Modeling: Challenges and Opportunities

11:40 am: Keynote: Dr. Charlotta Früchtenicht (Principal Data Scientist @ Roche)
Personalized Medicine and Beyond: A Data Scientist's Story from Academia to Big Pharma

12:25 pm: Lunch Break & Poster Session

The list of posters can be found at the bottom of this page.

Session III

Chair: Maik Wolfram-Schauerte

01:40 pm: Jaruwatana Lotharukpong (Drost Group)
Exploring the origin of complex life using evolutionary transcriptomics

02:05 pm: Mathias Witte Paz (Nieselt Group)
TSS-Captur:  A User-Friendly Characterization Pipeline for Transcribed Prokaryotic RNA transcripts

02:30 pm: Science Speed Dating II

3:10 pm: Coffee Break

Session IV

Chair: Ralf Eggeling

03:40 pm: Bita Pourmohsenin (Ziemert Group)
Methods to unveil secondary metabolite evolution in Bacteria

04:05 pm: Nurhan Arslan (Pfeifer Group)
HIV Multi-drug Class Resistance Prediction

04:30 pm: Poster Prize & Closing Remarks

04:40 pm: PhD Round Table

05:00 pm: End of TüBMI




Pipeline for Profiling Human Gut Flagellome in Health and Disease
Anna Bogdanova

A complementarity-driven approach to de novo binder design
Mohammad ElGamacy

Ancestral reconstruction of CRISPR arrays and probabilistic models for their evolutionary dynamics reveal selective effects along their length
Axel Fehrenbach

False Discovery Rate Estimation in spectral deconvolution in Top-down Proteomics
Ayesha Feroz

AI model predicts Anti-PD1 response in melanoma using multiomic biomarkers
Axel Gschwind

Damage-aware DNA correction improves the genome reconstruction of ancient datasets
Meret Häusler

Efficiency of CRISPR-Cas in Resensitizing Plasmid-Encoded Antimicrobial Resistance
Johannes Kippnich

Developing a tool for phylogeny-based function prediction, the case of methyltransferases
Aleksandra Korenskaia

Fast Approximation of Halogen-Protein Interactions Using Neural Networks
Finn Mier

MHCquant2 enables sensitive and scalable immunopeptidome processing by streamlining peptide property predictors
Jonas Scheid

A CRISPR library identifies metabolic mutations in clinical E. coli isolates that influence growth and antibiotic action
Sevvalli Thavapalan

A web based toolkit for diverse protein design tasks
Tobias Woertwein

Exploiting k-mer Profiles for Taxonomic Classification
Susanne Zabel

Mapping Nanopore Squiggles to Graphs Enables Accurate Taxonomic Assignment and Captures Evolutionary Relationships Between Organisms
Wenhuan Zeng

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