Diagnostics and Cognitive Neuropsychology

Dr. Elena Albu

Universität Tübingen
Psychologisches Institut
Schleichstraße 4

Raum 4.514
72076 Tübingen

Telefon: 07071 29-78345

E-Mail: e.albuspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Elena Albu is a postdoctoral researcher in the DFG Research Unit FOR 2718: Modal and Amodal Cognition: Functions and Interactions

Her research focuses on the interplay between modal and amodal encodings underlying space-metric associations. She is particularly interested in the nature of the SNARC and SNARC-like effects and the factors triggering them. Are these effects a function of continuous magnitude or do they require discrete serial ordering?

She was previously awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers. With a background in linguistics, she is equally interested in language comprehension and negation processing.

CV & Publications


Research Interests

  • Topics: space-metric associations, the SNARC(-like) effect, language comprehension, negation processing
  • Fields: cognitive psychology, experimental pragmatics
  • Methods: behavioral studies


  • Albu, E., Dudschig, C., Warren, T., & Kaup, B. (2024). Does negation influence the choice of sentence continuations? Evidence from a four-choice cloze task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(1), 90-110. doi.org/10.1177/17470218231158109
  • Albu, E. and Capuano, F. (2023). A Corpus-Pragmatic Approach to Negation in Electoral Tweets. In: Roitman, M. (ed.) Negatives and Meaning: Social Setting and Pragmatic Effects: Using Negatives in Political Discourse, Social Media and Oral Interaction, p. 113–144. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press
  • Albu, E., Tsaregorodtseva, O., & Kaup, B. (2021). Contrary to Expectations: Does Context Influence the Processing Cost Associated with Negation? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 50, 1215-1242. Link
  • Albu, E. (2020). Not Known: Anonymous, Unknown or Non-known? A pilot test on the interpretation of negated absolute adjectives in Romanian. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 5(1): 7, 1–19.
  • Albu, E. (2018). Tired, emotional and very VERY happy. Fantastic day #AFC. The Expression of Emotions on Twitter during the 2014 European Elections. Ranam, 51, 57-70.
  • Albu, E. (2017). Description vs. rejection in the Analysis of Negation: Evidence from Romanian and English. Lingua, 191, 22-41.
  • Albu, E. (2016). Love Britain? Vote UKIP! The Pragmatics of Electoral Tweets during the 2014 European Elections. In A. Frame, A. Mercier, G. Brachotte, and C. Thimm (eds.), Tweets from the Campaign Trail: Researching the Use of Twitter during the European Parliamentary Elections (pp. 145-169). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
  • Albu, E. (2012). Descriptive and Interpretive Use in the Analysis of Negation. In R. Zafiu and A. Stefanescu (eds.), Romanian Language: Current Paths in Linguistic Research, vol. 2 (pp. 187-202). Bucharest, Romania: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti.
  • Albu, E. (2012). The Configuration of Self Image. The Role of Negative Structures. In L. Ionescu–Ruxăndoiu (ed.), Parliamentary Discourses across Cultures: Interdisciplinary Approaches (pp. 173-196). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Albu, E. (2012). Metarepresentational Negation [(X') not (X)]. In L. Ionescu–Ruxăndoiu and M. Roibu (eds.), Results and Perspectives in the Romanian Linguistic Research (pp. 9-35). Iași, Romania: European Institute.
  • Albu, E. (2012). Litote in Political Discourse. In M. Constantinescu et al. (eds.), Modernity and Interdisciplinarity in Linguistic Research. Homage to Prof. Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu (pp. 23-24). Bucharest, Romania: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti.
  • Albu, E. (2012). Verbal litotic structures. In L. Ionescu–Ruxăndoiu M. Roibu (eds.), Language and Discourse. Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective (pp. 25-46). Iaşi, Romania: European Institute.
  • Albu, E. (2011). A Cognitive Approach to Negative Structures: not just and not only ... but also. In L. Ionescu–Ruxăndoiu and M. Roibu (eds.), Language and Discourse. Theoretical and Applicative Research (pp. 189-205). Iaşi, Romania: Editura Pim.
  • Albu, E. (2011). Double Negation in Political Discourse. In R. Zafiu, C. Uşurelu, and H. Bogdan-Oprea (eds.), Romanian Language: Aspects of Linguistic Variation. The 10th Workshop of the Romanian Language Department (pp. 9-18). Bucharest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti.
  • Albu, E. (2010). Outside Reading Negation in Political Discourse In R. Zafiu, A. Dragomirescu, A. Nicolae, and F. Sâmihăian (eds.), Romanian Language: Controversies, Delimitation, New Hypotheses. Bucharest, Romania: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti.

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