01st February 2021:
Online colloquium (Head: Holger Zellentin, Tübingen): Der Koran und die Transformation der Spätantike -
25th January 2021:
Online colloquium (Head: Peter Zeller, Tübingen): Klima, Wandel und Geschichte. Die Veränderung von Umweltbedingungen als Narrativ, Argument und Quelle der althistorischen Forschung -
12th January 2021:
Online colloquium, Part One headed by Andreas Glanzer, Tübingen ("Herrschaftsrepräsentation in Zeiten der Krise: Das Kaisertum Maiorians") and Part Two by Leitung von Maria Janosch, Tübingen ("Rollen und Funktionen hellenistischer Königinnen: Überlegungen zu den frühen Seleukid(inn)en") -
21st December 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Sandra Köke, Tübingen): Die Transformation des Karlsmythos seit dem Hochmittelalter -
15th December 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Andrea Bernier, Parma): Laws in context. Sources and compilers of the Theodosian Code -
14th December 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Luis Probst, Tübingen): Das Zeit- und Zukunftsverständnis in den karolingischen Jenseitsvisionen des 9. Jahrhunderts -
07th December 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Carola Föller, Erlangen): Wie erkennt man eine Bischofsgruppe? Papstbriefe als Herausforderung für die prosopographische Arbeit -
01st December 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: James Harland, Tübingen): The late Roman agricultural economy in the North-West and the origins of the aduentus Saxonum -
30th November 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Catherine Rose Hailstone, York): The Lesser Studied Bible: Rethinking the role of the Vetus Latina in the reshaping of the late and post-Roman concept of the self -
24th November 2020:
Online colloquium, Part One headed by Antonia Lakner, Oxford/Tübingen ("Of Masses and Mobs. The role of the crowd in 1st-century CE Judaean politics according to Josephus") und Part Two headed by Jens Eberlein, Tübingen ("Stilicho und die italische Aristokratie: Analyse einer reziproken Beziehung") -
17th November 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Mischa Meier, Tübingen): Discussion on new book project about Attila -
10th November 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Florian Battistella, Tübingen): Kein Masterplan. Beobachtungen zu einigen unter Justinian gültigen Kolonengesetzen -
03rd November 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Gavin Kelly, Edinburgh): Ammianus Marcellinus on the Alamani -
20th October 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Steffen Patzold, Tübingen): Reading Late Antique and Carolingian texts: local society, transfer of landed property and forms of dependence -
13th October 2020:
Colloquium with special hygienic conditions (Head: John Weisweiler, Cambridge): Capital accumulation, supply networks and the composition of the Roman Senate, CE 14-235 -
29th September 2020:
Colloquium with special hygienic conditions (Head: Marco Panato, Nottingham): Inland navigation in the Po valley between the 8th and 9th centuries -
15th September 2020:
Colloquium with special hygienic conditions (Head: James Harland, Tübingen): Reading Geraldine Heng's 'The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages -
22nd July 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Lutz Berger, Kiel): The Question of Arab Identity in Pre-Islamic Times and the Geopolitics of the Arab Peninsula in late Antiquity -
16th July 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Hans-Ulrich Wiemer, Erlangen): Coinage and economic policy in the Osthrogothic kingdom -
02nd July 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Irene Bavuso, London): Monastic foundations and coastal interactions in sixth-century Normandy07.07.2020, 16-18 Uhr (Online-Gruppendiskussion): Trade and Traders in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages -
25th June 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Steffen Patzold/Mischa Meier, Tübingen): DNA and the Anglo-Saxon migration. - 16th June 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Viola Gheller, Trient): Doctrinal conflict in 4/5th century Italy
- 09th June 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Simon Brelaud, Paris): Names of Christians in Mesopotamia
- 26th May 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Mischa Meier, Tübingen): Discussion on two articles: "L. Mordechai et al.: The Justinianic Plague: An inconsequential pandemic?“ and "M. Meier: „The ‘Justinianic Plague’: An “Inconsequential Pandemic”? A Reply“
- 20th May 2020:
Online colloquium (Joint discussion): Crowds in late Antiquity
- 13th May 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Douglas Whalin, Cambdrige): Family, power, and Roman Women
- 06th May 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner, Tübingen): Politics and Procedure in the Late Roman Senate
- 22nd April 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Harry Mawdsley, Sheffield): Parades of Infamy: The Public Display of Vanquished Emperors, Usurpers and Rebels in Late Antiquity - 21st April 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Simon Brelaud, Paris): Christianity in Mesopotamia during the Sasanian period (3rd to 7th century)
- 15th April 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Steffen Patzold, Tübingen): The "Descriptio mancipiorum“ of Marseille (a. 813/14) - 08th April 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Thomas Kohl (Tübingen): Early Medieval Crowds
- 01st April 2020:
Online colloquium (Head: Guy Halsall (York): Non-Migration and Immobility
- 03rd March 2020:
Viola Gheller (Trient): Barb-arians? Political relationships and religious rivalries in Ostrogothic Italy. On the so-called Collectio Veronensis
- 21st February 2020:
Douglas Whalin (Cambridge): Roman Identity in Transition from the Arab Conquest to the Triumph of Orthodoxy
- 11th February 2020:
Luise M. Frenkel (Sao Paolo): Over the fence: the shadow of Persia in late-antique Greek writing
- 05th February 2020:
Yaniv Fox (Tel Aviv): Migration and Mobility of Heresiological Constructs in the Early Medieval Gaul and Spain
- 21st January 2020:
Fabian Schulz (Tübingen): Bischöfe beim Kaiser: Theorie, Praxis und Darstellung im 4. Jahrhundert
- 09th/10th January 2020:
Workshop: "Frühmittelalterliche Lokalgesellschaften"
- 18th December 2019:
Lecture: Vince van Thienen, Ghent: "Archaeological considerations for the creation of a pan-regional identity as a result of mobility in the Late Roman North“
- 11th December 2019:
Lecture: Becca Grose, Exeter: "Shifting elites and shifting relationships in the region of Burgundian hegemony c.300-c.800"
- 04th December 2019:
Lecture: John Haldon, Princeton: "St. Theodore, Euchaita and Anatolia, C. 500-1000. Landscape, Climate and the Survival of an Empire"
- 03rd December 2019:
Round Table with Boris Nieswand (Tübingen)
- 26th November 2019
Lecture: Helen Kaufmann, Oxford: "Ortsbezüge in Migrationsdarstellungen der spätlateinischen Dichtung"
- 21st - 22nd November 2019:
Conference: “Patterns of change: the European countryside during the migration period”
- 18th November 2019:
Lecture: Anamaria Pazienza, Venice: "Residential (im)mobility and migrant grooms: the example of Lombard Italy (7th - 8th cc.)"
- 15th/16th November 2019:
Workshop: „Local Identities in early medieval Europe“
- 05th November 2019:
Lecture: James Harland, Newcastle/Tübingen: "The Northwestern Provinces in Crisis: some reflections on Julian's campaigns on the Rhine and the economic reorientation of Britain and Northern Gaul"
- 28th October 2019:
Lecture: Isaac Smith, Tuebingen: "Fraxinetum in der Provence zwischen Dār al-Islām und der christlichen Welt"
- 22nd October 2019:
Lecture: Guy Halsall, York: "Non-Migrating Barbarians: Late Antiquity in Northern Barbaricum"
- 16th October 2019:
Round Table on „Archaeogenetics“
- 09th October 2019:
Round Table on "Professionals on the move in late antiquity and the early middle ages"
- 02nd October 2019:
Round Table (Led by Helen Kaufmann & James Harland) on „Migrant Identities“
23rd-25th September 2019:
Joint Retreat on the island Reichenau "Fazit und Ausblick" -
18th September 2019:
Round Table: „Migrant Identity" -
11th September 2019:
Vortrag: Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner (Tübingen): An Empire of the Best: Zosimus, the monarchy, and the Eastern administrative elite in the fifth century CE - 23rd July 2019:
Lecture: Samuel Cohen, Sonoma: “The Rhetoric of ‘Foreignness’: Insiders and Outsiders in Late Antique Roman Polemical texts.”
- 17th July 2019:
Lecture: Guy Halsall, York: „Reconsidering the Mechanics of Migration: Information, Logistics and Identities“
- 17th - 18th July 2019:
Research Forum 2019: Handbook „Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages"
- 16th July 2019:
Lecture: Paul Arthur, Università del Salento-Lecce: "Reconstructing Byzantium in southern Italy (6th-11th centuries)"
- 09th July 2019:
Lecture: Massimiliano Vitiello, Missouri-Kansas City: "Fear and Sanctity: The Western Empire and the Fifth-Century Invasions"
- 24th June 2019:
Lecture: Jamie Wood, Lincoln: "Mobility and migration between the Iberian Peninsula and the Byzantine world in the 6th and 7th centuries"
- 18th June 2019:
Lecture: Mischa Meier, Tübingen: "Der römische Kontext des frühen Islam"
- 03rd June 2019:
Lecture: Conrad Leyser, Oxford: "Elementary Strategies of Kinship in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages"
- 28th May 2019:
Lecture: Guido M. Berndt, FU Berlin: "The Armament of Lombard Warriors in Italy. Historical and Archaeological Approaches"
- 06th May 2019:
Lecture: Carine van Rhijn, Utrecht: "Carolinigan culture through the ‚window‘ of priest’s manuscripts"
- 10th April 2019:
Lecture: Claudia Tiersch, HU Berlin: "Der weströmische Senat im 5. Jh. n. Chr. - ein Träger von Staatlichkeit?"
- 03rd April 2019:
Lecture: James Harland, Newcastle/Tübingen: "Lowland Britain and Northern Gaul: Some Comparative Observations"
- 27th March 2019:
Reading Week (Led by Steffen Patzold/Mischa Meier) – "A Collection of legal texts from the Codex Iustinianus and the Carolingian Empire"
- 20th March 2019:
Reading Week (Led by Steffen Patzold) – "Travelling and official documents (tractoria, epistolae formatae etc)"
- 13th March 2019:
Lecture: Ann Christys, Leeds: "The History of Ibn Habib (d.852) and the Last Days of al-Andalus"
- 27th February 2019:
Lecture: Ian Wood, Leeds: "The Early Medieval West as a Temple Society"
- 13th February 2019:
Lecture: Jack Tannous, Princeton: "From Greek into Syriac"
- 06th February 2019:
Reading Week (Led by Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner) – “Descriptio mancipiorum” of Marseille
- 30th January 2019:
Lecture: Susanne Brather-Walter, Freiburg: "'Lombards' on the move?"
- 18th December 2018:
Lecture: Stefan Donecker, ÖAW Vienna: "Völkerwanderung in Early Modern Historiography. The Emgergence of a German Master Narrative, 1500 - 1800"
- 13th - 15th December 2018:
Conference: "Migration and Mobility Across the Roman-Persian Frontier, 3rd-7th c. A.D."
- 05th December 2018:
Lecture: Alexander Sarantis, Aberystwyth: "Conclusion of the conference 'Byzantium in the Adriatic from the 6th to 12th Centuries' in Split this September"
- 27th November 2018:
Lecture: Caroline Belanger, Tübingen/St. Andrews ‘”The Many Worlds of Late Antiquity: Reading History Through Geographical Literature”
- 20th November 2018:
Lecture: Anna Kouremenos, Sacramento, CAL: “Pωμαιοκρατία ≠ Roman occupation: (mis)perceptions of the Roman period in Greece”
- 14th - 16th November 2018:
Conference: "Africa 500-1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research"
- 05th November 2018:
Lecture: Alexander Sarantis, Aberystwyth: "War and Society in the Justiniaic Balkans"
- 23rd October 2018:
Lecture: Michael Kelly, New York: "The Liber Iudiciorum: A Visigothic Literary Guide to Institutional Authority and Self-Interest"
- 18th October 2018:
Lecture: Chris Wickham, Oxford: "The Italian Commercial Revolution: an Archaeological Reading. Public lecture"
- 17th October 2018:
Workshop: Chris Wickham, Oxford: "Hariulf of Oudenburg's account of his visit to the papal court in 1141"
- 27th - 28th September 2018:
Conference: "Mobility during the Viking Age: Scandinavians and Others"
- 26th July 2018:
Lecture: Angelo Castrorao Barba, Palermo: "Villen in Italien in der ausgehenden Spätantike"
- 19th - 21st July 2018:
2nd Research Forum ""The Micropolitics of Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages"
- 21st June 2018:
Lecture: Irene Bavuso, IHR London: "Before the emporia: contacts, exchange and socio-economic development across the English Channel (6th/early 7th c.)"
- 14th - 15th June 2018:
Workshop: "Agrarian Change and Peasant Mobility in the Early Medieval West c. 600-1000CE
- 07th June 2018:
Lecture: Edward Schoolman, Reno: "Greek and Greekness in the Early Medieval Italy"
- 29th May 2018:
Joint Lecture: Michael Mulryan, Kent: "Internal Migrants in Port Cities. Ostia, ca. AD 100-500. An Insight from Religion and Epigraphy?" & Luke Lavan, Kent: "Emporia and Internal Migration: the Development of Ostia in Comparative Perspective."
- 14th May 2018:
Lecture: Sam Nixon, University College London: "The Gold Route to Timbuktu: tracing medieval trans-Saharan camel caravan networks from Morocco to Mali"
- 19th April 2018:
Lecture: Jeroen Wijnendaele, Ghent: "The Frankish rex Clovis' "forgotten war" with the Aquitanian Goths (c. 495-499 CE)"
- 16th April 2018:
Lecture: Nicolas Lamare, FU Berlin: "Thirsty cities: Water Supply in Late Antique and Byzantine North Africa
- 26th March 2018:
Lecture: Tillmann Lohse, HU Berlin: "Chain migrants, economic refugees or seasonal workers? Migrating missionaries and the problem of anachronistic modeling in migration history"
- 12th March 2018:
Lecture: Ekaterina Nechaeva, Geneva: "Collusion on the Eastern Front: The Strange Cases of Constantine of Theodosiopolis and Theodorus of Martyropolis"
19th February 2018:
Lecture: Nicolas Schroeder, Brussels: "Human Mobility and Climate Change (6th – 10th cent.)" -
07th February 2018:
Lecture:Martijn Icks, Amsterdam: „Kept in the Dark: Traditional elites and imperial seclusion in late antiquity” -
08th January 2018:
Lecture: James Harland, York: "The End of Roman Rule and the Adventus Saxonum: rethinking ethnicity in post-Roman Britain"
11th December 2017:
Fraser McNair, Cambridge: "Where did all the councils go? Some thoughts on post-Carolingian political culture" -
01. December 2017:
Richard Price, London: “The Nestorian Controversy and Politics in Constantinople” -
27th November 2017:
Lutz Illisch, Tübingen: "'Gold von Arabie' - Spuren der Verwendung und der Reputation arabischer Goldwährungen in Mittel- und Nordeuropa vom 8. bis zum 13. Jahrhundert" -
20th November 2017:
Stephan Ebert, Darmstadt: "Fames vero magna et mortalitas fuit in Francia. Eine umwelthistorische Analyse der Hungersnot von 778/779" -
13th November 2017:
Carola Föller, Erlangen: "Vom Wegesrand zum Zentrum. Bischöfe auf italischen Konzilien 470-770" -
24th October 2017:
Michał Stachura, Kraków: "Feindbilder in der Rhetorik spätantiker Kaisergesetze“ -
13th/14th October 2017:
Workshop "Neighbours and Strangers. Local societies in early medieval Europe" -
26th July 2017:
Round Table with with Noel Lenski (Yale) and Paolo Tedesco (Vienna/Tuebingen) about their lectures during the Research Forum 2017 and Lenski's article "Peasant and Slave in Late Antique North Africa, c. 100-600 CE, in: Rita Lizzi Testa (Ed.): Late Antiquity in Contemporary Debate, Cambridge 2017". -
19th - 21st July 2017:
Opening event of the Center for Advanced Studies "Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages" -
16th May 2017:
Silvia Orlandi, University Rome La Sapienza: "Towards Late Antiquity: new texts and new issues from Late Antique Rome"