Englisches Seminar

Make an Appointment

How Do I Make an Appointment?

To make an appointment use our easy scheduling system WCOnline. If it is your first time making an appointment with WCOnline, register for a free account. If you have already used the system to make an appointment with the Writing Center in the past, log in to your account and set up your appointment. Note: This is the only way to make an appointment with the RWC!
If you have trouble setting up your account, or if you have any other questions about the system, please contact the director Shawn Raisig.

How Long Do Appointments Last?

All appointments are 45 minutes long.

What Should I Bring to an Appointment?

  • The assignment sheet from your instructor
  • The draft you are currently working on
  • Any other drafts and notes you have been using
  • Any primary and secondary literature
  • Your class notes

Note: You can upload a copy of your draft to WCOnline until 4pm the day before the appointment!

How Do I Make an Online Appointment?

Scheduling an online appointment is also done via WCOnline. To make an online appointment, select the “Meet Online” option when booking an apointment. Every appointment available has this option. 

For more information on when appointments are available please check WCOnline. For more information on individual tutors see our tutor biographies.

How Do I Start the Online Appointment?

Log in to your WCOnline account. In order to start your appointment, find your appointment in the schedule and click on "Start or Join Online Consultation". Please log in approximately 5-10min before the session is scheduled, so we can start on time! In order to avoid unnecessary distraction, please refrain from using other appliances, including your phone, during the appointment.

How Do I Cancel an Appointment?

In order to cancel an appointment, log into your WCOnline account. You may cancel appointments up to 24 hours prior to your meeting with us without giving further notice. If you cancel within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time, you will have to contact us directly via phone or email! If you fail to show up to your appointment three times or more, your account will automatically be disabled, and you will have to see the director Shawn Raisig to regain access.

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