Institute of English Languages and Literatures
1. The group of courses contains only one course and the course has only one parallelgroup

This is the simplest case: the group of courses consists of only one course and this course has only one parallelgroup.
Example: the seminar (!) "Introduction to Cultural Studies" in the Basic Module Cultural Studies of the IAS study program.

1. Click on the Apply-Button next to the individual course.

2. On the next screen you will have the option to enroll or to go back without any changes.

3. After enrolling the Apply-button on the overview page will have changed into a Sign off button. And you will see the status registered.
This means that you have applied for a place in the course, it does not mean that you have been admitted.


4. Within the enrollment period you can sign off and on as often as you wish.
You need to click on the Sign off-button and actively select the option sign off in the drop-down menu and confirm by clicking on Now enroll/sign off.