Englisches Seminar


BAföG-Leistungsbescheinigung / BAföG certificate of performance

The BAföG-Office asks students who receive or apply for a grant at certain intervals to present a so-called "proof of achievement" about the successful progress of their studies. The proof of performance is issued by one of the BAföG advisors of the English Department:

► Prof. Dr. Astrid Franke

► Prof. Dr. James Griffiths

You will need the following documents:

Form 5: please make sure that you complete the first section of the form and that you indicate in the second part up to which semester you wish your achievements to be considered.

Declaration of Originality / Antiplagiarism

All term papers need to include a Declaration of Originality /Antiplagiarism. Please note that the form is only available in German.

For Bachelor and Master theses please use the text published on the webpage of the exam office.

Transcript of Records

In alma students can download / print the transcript of records themselves.

Log into alma with your usual login-ID, then go to Mein Studium > Leistungen (My studies > My achievements)

Select the study course for which you wish to download the transcript by removing all unwanted ticks. At the bottom of the page you see the available versions of the transcript. 

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