Englisches Seminar

Dr. Yimon Lo

Yimon Lo is a Postdoctoral Teaching and Research Fellow at the University of Tübingen, and a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Leuven. She works on eighteenth- to nineteenth- century British literature, specialising in the poetry and poetics of the period. She is the author of Musical Wordsworth: Romantic Soundscape and Harmony (Liverpool University Press, forthcoming March 2023). Her work appears in numerous international peer-reviewed journals, including Romanticism, English: Journal of the English Association, The Coleridge Bulletin, and the Tennyson Research Bulletin. She completed her PhD at Durham University, and held Postdoctoral Fellowships at The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Leuven.

Yimon is currently working on a project titled 'Romantic Silence: Feminist, Political, Environmental, and Medical Voices in British Poetry, 1750-1850'. Through a combination of historical, computational, and humanistic efforts, this study develops a distinctive philosophical articulation of ‘silence’ that conceptually integrates literature, cultural history, and sensory studies to provide new historical and interdisciplinary perspectives for the study of British Romanticism.

Yimon convenes and teaches on the modules ‘Nineteenth-Century British Poetry and Poetics’ and ‘British Romanticism: Music, Lyric, and Literature’. 

Yimon has taught in the Department of English Studies at Durham University, and is Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK. She was the editorial assistant for The British Association for Romantic Studies Review.



  • Musical Wordsworth: Romantic Soundscape and Harmony (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, March 2023).


  • ‘“A sense sublime”: The Harmony of Hearing and Re-Hearing in Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”’. Romanticism, 28.1 (2022), 1-11.
  • ‘In the Depth of Tears: Memory, Grief, and Musicality in Tennyson and Wordsworth’. Tennyson Research Bulletin, 11.4 (2020), 347-361.
  • ‘“A tale of silent suffering”: Wordsworth’s Poetics of Silence and Its Function of  Reintegration’. English: Journal of the English Association, 264 (2020), 25-41.
  • ‘“A Sympathy in Streams”: The River Sonnets of Bowles, Coleridge, and Wordsworth’. The Coleridge Bulletin, New Series 52 (Winter 2018), 51-58.

Book Reviews

  • Review of Thomas H. Ford, Wordsworth and the Poetics of Air: Atmospheric Romanticism in a Time of Climate Change. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. The British Association for Romantic Studies Review, No. 52 (Autumn 2018).
  • Review of Tim Fulford, Wordsworth's Poetry, 1815-1845. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019. Romanticism, forthcoming.

Other Publications

  • ‘The Feeling of Not Feeling: Keats, Woodhouse, and the Poetical Character’. The Keats Letters Project, 30 October 2018.
  • ‘The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet’s Mind (William Wordsworth)’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2020.
  • ‘George Crabbe’. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2020.

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