Dr Amanda Naylor is a Senior Lecturer in English and Education at the University of York, where she is the Programme Leader for the BA English in Education. Amanda has taken up the Ottilie-Wiildermuth-Chair in the Teaching of English Language and Literature at the University of Tuebingen, Germany, from April to September 2019. Her main research interests are the teaching of literature and poetry, teacher training and digital pedagogy. Amanda has experience of teaching and management in Secondary, Further and Higher Education settings. Amanda has been an Advanced Skills Teacher in English, Head of English in two comprehensive schools, a lecturer in FE and Subject Lead for the University of Hull PGCE English programme.
Amanda is involved in research projects on mobile and digital learning, teaching poetry post-16 and into exploring the potential of literary texts to enable international, intercultural dialogue about citizenship. Her most recent publications are ‘Shakespeare, Turgenev (and Kalashnikov) in Siberia’ (2018) In Students, Places and Identities in English and the Arts and ‘Deep learning; Enriching teacher training through mobile technology and international collaboration in the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. She is editing a forthcoming book to be published by Bloomsbury later in the year, Transforming Teacher Education with Mobile Technologies, with Professor Kevin Burden of Hull University.