Englisches Seminar

Information for New Students in the B.A. English & American Studies (WiSe 2024/25)

Dear new students in the B.A. English & American Studies,

We are excited to welcome you at the University of Tübingen and in the English Department!

The beginning of your studies will be an exciting and challenging time. We will guide and support your first steps at the beginning of your studies. This special website provides you with general information about the university's and the department's resources and services for all new students in the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) English & American Studies.

You have questions about the study program and your course work, especially the obligatory courses in the first semester? We will gladly support you and address your most pressing questions. This website will give you an insight into the structure of our study program and offers general guidelines for your course selection in the first semester.

The most important information for your first semester at a glance

In the winter semester, the BA program English & American Studies is available in the major and minor.

The information on this website is constantly updated. Please check again for updates.


Course registration takes place via ALMA. The registration period for first-year students runs  from Sept. 30 until Oct. 13, 2024.

Welcome and Information Meeting for New Students in the BA English & American Studies minor (WiSe 2024/25)

Lost on campus? Not sure how to register for courses? Doubts about which courses to take in your first semester? Please attend the welcome meeting:

Welcome Meeting

In an introduction session on campus for all new BA English & American Studies students, we look forward to welcoming you to our program! There, we will discuss everything you need to know for your first semester. 


Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024

at 10:15 a.m.


On campus: HS 037, Brechtbau (Wilhelmstr. 50)

Questions about Course Registration, etc.

For any questions you may have after the welcome meeting and/or for any problems with registering for classes, please join the helpdesk for one of two Q&A sessions.


Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024, 12 - 14 h

Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024, 14 - 16 h

Brechtbau Foyer

Wilhelmstr. 50 (Brechtbau)

Immediate Aid

You need help right now? Please contact the Helpdesk of the English Department via e-mail.

If you are in a hurry:
You will find the most important information for your first semester in the “Starter Kits” on this website.

Orientation for New Students in the B.A. English & American Studies (WiSe 2024/25)

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