
Vortrag: "Health and disease as attributes of living things in Aristotle’s zoology and Theophrastus’ botany"

Vortrag von Prof. Philip van der Eijk (Berlin) im Rahmen des Workshops "The Architecture of the Science of Living Things"

A TIDA Workshop around Andrea Falcon’s book manuscript “The Architecture of the Science of Living Beings. Aristotle and Theophrastus on Animals and Plants”
Sponsored and organized by ERC ADG TIDA: Text and Idea of Aristotle’s Science of Living Things
Zeit und Ort: 17.04.2023, 15 - 16:30 Uhr, Carl Friedrich von Weiszäcker-Zentrum for Foundational Research, Doblerstraße 33, 72074 Tübingen


In this paper, I will discuss the position of health and disease in Aristotle’s and Theophrastus’ study of the living world and the specific nature of their approach to these themes as phusikoi, as distinct from that of medical doctors and other practitioners; and in the spirit of Andrea Falcon’s forthcoming monograph, I will show how the study of health and disease presents an illuminating example of the continuity and complementarity between Aristotle’s zoology and Theophrastus’ botany.           
