Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Dr. Maja Sawicka

Assistenzprofessorin am Chair of Digital Sociology, Department of Sociology und Digital Economy Lab (DELab), Universität Warschau
Gastwissenschaftlerin am Ludwig-Uhland-Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft

Karowa 18, 00-324 Warsaw, Poland
Zum weiterführenden Profil 

Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre

  • Emotionen
  • Soziale Interaktionen
  • Digitale Communities
  • Qualitative Methoden der Sozialforschung

Akademisches Profil

Ich bin Soziologin für Emotionen und soziale Interaktionen. In meiner Forschung untersuche ich die interaktionellen Ursprünge von Emotionen und konzentriere mich dabei insbesondere auf die Mikromechanismen, die Gefühle in digitalen Interaktionen formen und zur Entstehung von lokalisierten emotionalen Subkulturen in Cybercommunities beitragen. Derzeit analysiere ich im Rahmen des Projekts "Meaning-Making in Digital Counterpublics", wie impfscheue Cybercommunities kollektiv mit emotionaler Ambivalenz gegenüber der COVID-19-Pandemie umgehen und wie sie Angst und Furcht unter den Mitgliedern eindämmen. In meinen Forschungen wird deutlich, dass Emotionen soziale Phänomene sind, die durch nachvollziehbare Interaktionen in spezifischen, greifbaren Kontexten geformt werden. 
Meine Arbeit stützt sich in erster Linie auf qualitative digitale Methoden und Tools. Im Rahmen meiner Arbeit an der Universität Warschau lehre ich computergestützte Analyse qualitativer Daten und multimodale Ansätze zur Analyse von Kommunikation in sozialen Medien.


01. 2018 - today: Assistant Professor at the Chair of Digital Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Warsaw

03. 2022 - today: Digital data analyst at the Digital Economy Lab (DELab), University of Warsaw

12. 2020 - 11. 202: Researcher at the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (digital research collaboration)

10. 2011 - 10. 2017: Doctoral student at the Institute of Sociology (currently: Department of Sociology), University of Warsaw


2023-24: „Meaning-Making in Digital Counterpublics: The Emergence of Emotion Norms in a Facebook Vaccination-Hesitant Community in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”, post-doc research stay at Ludwig-Uhland-Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft financed by Alexander von Humboldt Stifung (research fellowship)

2021-2022: „Methods of investigation of digital communication and textual data”, project cofinanced by the Department of Sociology and the Fund for Teaching Innovations [FID] of University of Warsaw;

2021: “Listen to Europe” (EU narratives on Facebook in seven selected countries), project financed by the European Movement International, coordinated by NGO (Madrid, Spain)

2017-2021: “Values in the age of (global) crisis”, project financed by National Science Centre [NCN], no. 2016/21/B/HS6/03199; role: researcher responsible for qualitative research design and realization

2020: “Mapping the digital ecosystem in times of COVID-19: Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, and Poland”, project financed by Open Society Foundations, coordinated by NGO (Madrid, Spain)

Publikationen (Auswahl)

Rafanell, I., Sawicka, M. (2020): Emotions in Digital Interactions. Ethnopsychologies of ‘Angel’s Mothers’ in Online Bereavement Communities. Cham. Palgrave Macmillan Pivot. VIII, 120 pp.

Marody, M., Konieczna-Sałamatin, J., Sawicka, et al. (2019): Społeczeństwo na zakręcie. Zmiany postaw i wartości Polaków w latach 1990-2018 [Society on a Turn. Changes in Attitudes and Values in Polish Society 1990-2018]. Warsaw. Scholar. 204 pp.

Sawicka, M. (2018): Emocje w interakcjach współczesnego społeczeństwa polskiego [Emotions in Interactions of Contemporary Polish Society]. Warsaw. Warsaw University Press. 208 pp.

Sawicka, M. (2023): Managing Fear through Digital Interactions: Emerging Narratives of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Vaccine-Hesitant Cyber Community. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies. doi

Cervia, S., Sawicka, M., Sena, B., Serapioni, M. (2023): Looking at Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy through a macro perspective. A comparative study of Italy, Poland and Portugal. Partecipazione e Conflitto 15(3), 595-613.

Sawicka, M., Wettergren, Å. (2022): Enthusiasm as emotional practice: sociologising a practice approach to emotions (Review essay). Emotions and Society.

Sawicka, M., Rafanell, I., Bancroft, A. (2022): Digital localisation in an illicit market space: interactional creation of a psychedelic assemblage in a darknet community of exchange. International Journal of Drug Policy 100, 103514.

Sawicka, M., Sikorska, M. (2020): Struggling with emotions in times of social change: control restoring operations in the workplace and the family. Polish Sociological Review 212(4), 411–423.

Konieczna-Sałamatin, J., Sawicka, M. (2020): The East of the West, or the West of the East? Attitudes toward the European Union and European Integration in Poland after 2008. East European Societies and Politics, and Cultures 35(2), 363–383.

Sawicka, M. (2017): Searching For A Narrative of Loss. Interactional Ordering of Ambiguous Grief. Symbolic Interaction 40(2), 229–246.2

Sawicka, M. (2015): Pojęcie kultury emocjonalnej jako narzędzie analizy socjologicznej [The Concept of Emotional Culture as a Tool of Sociological Analysis]. Kultura i Społeczeństwo 59(1), 181–195.


Aufgrund des Forschungsschwerpunkts meines Stipendiums werde ich während meines Aufenthalts am Ludwig-Uhland-Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft keine regulären Lehrveranstaltungen anbieten.

Akademische Mitgliedschaften

I am a member of European Sociological Association, RN 11 (Sociology of Emotions). I serve as the book review section editor at the Network’s journal, Emotions and Society (published by Bristol University Press).

I am a member of Polish Sociological Association, Digital Sociology section.

During my stay at Ludwig-Uhland-Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft I will be engaged with the activities of Digital Anthropology Lab

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