Institute of Political Science

Henning Meyer

Honorary Professor for Public Policy and Business

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institute of Political Science
Research Unit Comparative Public Policy
Melanchthonstraße 36, 72074 Tübingen



Henning Meyer’s professional interests lie at the intersection of public policy and business. He is currently Director General and Head of the Minister's Office at the Saarland Ministry of Finance and Science. Previously, he was the first Fellow of the German Ministry of Finance, where he worked on economic policy in the framework of the Corona Task Force and the Fiscal Policy Division. Between June and November 2021, he was on secondment in the German Federal Chancellor’s Office.

Henning is also a Research Associate at Cambridge University’s Centre for Business Research (CBR) and Future World Fellow at the Centre for the Governance of Change at IE University. Previously, he occupied several visiting and associate positions at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), was John F. Kennedy Memorial Policy Fellow at Harvard University and a Visiting Fellow at Cornell University.

Henning studied politics, economics and business at Trier University, different London universities and the University of Oxford.

Research Interests

  • Public Policy with a focus on economic policy
  • Business Strategy with a particular emphasis on nonmarket strategy
  • The digital transformation of society and economy
  • Social democracy