Strategie und Unternehmensführung

B463B Business Pläne für Startups


Lecturer: Ilka Weichert

Application started on ILIAS , deadline April 15th

In the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are very concious about the need to slow down the infection rate. If need be, the planned classes will be moved to an online format. The planned dates will not change. You will get all necessary information before the first class through ILIAS.

All information on ILIAS.

The basics of setting up a Business Plan and launching a startup are the topics of this course. This course is of special interest for students interested in starting up their own business idea or interested in learning in a hands-on approach about the most important ingredients of venturing.

This course brings together prospective founders that provide the business idea with business students that provide consulting to the prospective founders in an interactive course. The professors take the role of facilitators of the process of writing a business plan and preparing and delivering a pitch.

Organizational aspects

This course will be taught in German only; so all students need to be fluent in German.

Students have to apply to this course by April 15th on the ILIAS Platform. The lecturer will organize the students in groups and match them with one prospective founder per group.

This course heavily draws on all student groups engaging in preparations outside the classroom. Students will have to prepare a presentation for each session. At the end of the semester, each student group will pitch the business idea and hand in a fully-fledged business plan.

The courses eligibility is broad; please check with  alma .

B465C - To pivot or not to pivot? When startups change their business models

Research colloquium


Lecturer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Theresa Veer

In the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are very concious about the need to slow down the infection rate. If need be, the planned classes will be moved to an online format. The planned dates will not change. You will get all necessary information before the first class through ILIAS.

Please refer to alma for information about where this module fits into your curriculum. Please register online for this course on the ILIAS Homepage. No password is required. All further information will be communicated through ILIAS.

This is a master seminar - it is a good preparation for a master thesis with the Strategy & Management research group, yet, participating in the seminar does not guarantee you a spot as a master thesis student.

Meeting 1 - Organizational issues, presentation of the discussed literature 07.04.2020 Konferenzraum "Gebhard-Müller-Saal"
Meeting 2a - Student presentations 20.07.2020 Seminar room 063, Neue Aula, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz
Meeting 2b - Student presentations 21.07.2020 Seminar room 063, Neue Aula, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz


Statistic Tutorials - Discussion group for statistics and R

PhD students and Master degree candidates of the research group Strategy & Management can post questions about statistics and its implementation in R in an internal discussion forum on ILIAS. These are then tackled and solved together on a regular basis under the guiadance of Cornelius.
The purpose is to solve and discuss relevant and research-specific problems together in order to learn form each other and increase the expertise in R of everyone involved. The skills gained by means of the discussion group are not only relevant for research projects of the research group but can also prove to be useful outside of university. This way, PhD students as well as Master degree candidates can profit from participating in the discussion.

Please send questions on this course to Cornelius Widmaier.

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