Strategie und Unternehmensführung

Academic Writing Seminar (B465)

Academic writing is an increasingly important skill that often is not part of standard curricula. In this seminar, we will learn the most important tools for effective and elegant writing. Each session will cover two to three distinct topics which we will discuss in the plenum and analyze the example papers (see below). After that we will have a breakout session in which we will analyze our own texts in small groups and enter a round of peer feedback.
This seminar works with the book: “Writing Science” by Joshua Schimel (Oxford University Press; ISBN: 978-0-19-976024-4). Two copies are available to students to loan. The readings in the table below refer all to this book.

Date Content Compulsory readings
June 1
9:30am – 12:30pm

Science Writing as Storytelling
Making a Story Sticky

Story Structure

pp. 1-34
June 8
9:30am – 12:30pm
The Opening
The Funnel: Connecting O and C
The Challenge
pp. 35-66
June 15
9:30am – 12:30pm
The Resolution
pp. 67-94
June 22
9:30am – 12:30pm
Internal Structure
pp. 95-123
June 29
9:30am – 12:30pm
Energizing Writing
pp. 124-144
July 6
9:30am – 12:30pm
pp. 145-173

July 13

9:30am – 12:30pm

Putting it All Together: Real Editing
Dealing with Limitations
pp. 174-188

Please come prepared into each session. You find the instructions in each chapter of your readings. For the first session, you need to bring a piece of writing yourself. In addition, I took the liberty to choose the papers that we will all refer to as examples. You find them here.
Please skim all the papers and read on detail the full Nature paper and the introduction of the other papers. For each session, you must analyze the full Nature paper and the introduction of the other papers.

The seminar will take place on zoom.
For questions and the zoom link, please contact: theresa[dot]veer@uni-tuebingen[dot]de


B463B Business Pläne für Startups (Graduate program)


Lecturer: Ilka Weichert

Application started on ILIAS , deadline is April 14th .

The course's eligibility is broad; please check with  alma. This course is also eligible within the Studium Professionale.

Until further notice all classes will take place in a live format using Microsoft Teams. You will get all necessary information before the first class through ILIAS.

Note that this course is offered in German only. Hence, German is a requirement.

The basics of setting up a Business Plan and launching a startup are the topics of this course. This course is of special interest for students interested in starting up their own business idea or interested in learning in a hands-on approach about the most important ingredients of venturing.

This course brings together prospective founders that provide the business idea with business students that provide consulting to the prospective founders in an interactive course. The professors take the role of facilitators of the process of writing a business plan and preparing and delivering a pitch.

E380F Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Undergraduate program)

6 ECTS in Business and Economics study programs
2 ECTS in the Studium Professionale (no final presentation required)

Lecturer: Dr. Leticia Hoppe

Application starts on ILIAS on March 1st.

The course might feature offline sessions. Hence, students need to be in Tübingen.

Note that this course is offered in English. Hence English is a requirement.

During this course, we will discuss general aspects and characteristics that involve being an entrepreneur.
In all classes, real case studies connected to the presented theory will be offered, enabling students to experience real-world situations similar to entrepreneurs and offering them possibilities to discuss solutions and innovative ideas for the problems.

This course heavily draws on all student groups engaging in preparations outside the classroom. Students will have to prepare presentations on the topics discussed in the classroom and at the end of the course will have to present a Small Business Prototype.

More detailed information are available on Ilias and/or will be provided in the first session of the seminar.

E380G Green Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility (Undergraduate program)

6 ECTS in Business and Economics study programs
3 ECTS in the Studium Professionale (no final presentation required)

Lecturer: Dr. Leticia Hoppe

Application starts on ILIAS on March 1st.

The course might feature offline sessions. Hence, students need to be in Tübingen.

Note that this course is offered in English. Hence English is a requirement.

Green entrepreneurshio involves dicussions on issues related to environmental awareness and social responsibility, inlcuding your decision-making power as a consumer. The course will also present the idea of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Triple Bottom Line, and how we can think globally and act locally. By supporting local and social businesses we can reduce our footprint in the world and increase the number of Green Entrepreneurs in our communities.

Being a Green Entrepreneur is more than opening a sustainable business. It means having a sustainable global vision including the environmental aspect in the centre of decisions.

Tools to start modeling green business and topics to induce students to be more innovative will be presented. Case studies will be presented to help students identify existing opportunities and turn these into a practical activity.

More detailed information are available on Ilias and/or will be provided in the first session of the seminar.

Statistic Tutorials - Discussion group for statistics and R

PhD students and Master degree candidates of the research group Strategy & Management can post questions about statistics and its implementation in R in an internal discussion forum on ILIAS. These are then tackled and solved together on a regular basis under the guiadance of Albert.
The purpose is to solve and discuss relevant and research-specific problems together in order to learn form each other and increase the expertise in R of everyone involved. The skills gained by means of the discussion group are not only relevant for research projects of the research group but can also prove to be useful outside of university. This way, PhD students as well as Master degree candidates can profit from participating in the discussion.

Please send questions on this course to Albert Hidalgo.

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