College of Fellows

Teach@Tübingen Fellowship

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The Teach@Tübingen fellowship is a good opportunity for international PostDoc scholars to familiarize themselves with research and teaching at a German university. It aims to expand English-language instruction at the University of Tübingen. For the fellows, the program offers the opportunity to gain teaching experience, to establish international networks, and to broaden their individual research horizons. 


Teach@Tübingen Office
College of Fellows
Villa Köstlin/ Rümelinstr. 27
72070 Tuebingen
+49 7071 29-77239 [secretariat]

Contact Person:
Sandra Tiedemann
+49 7071 29-77295


Who can apply?

PostDocs who have obtained their PhD within the last 4 years, preferably from strategically important international partners of the University of Tübingen (according to the list of eligible partnerships*).

Doctoral students can only apply if the doctoral degree (submission and defense of the dissertation) is scheduled before the start of the fellowship. A confirmation from the home university about the successful submission and defense of the dissertation must be submitted before the start of the scholarship, otherwise the scholarship will be postponed to the following semester.

Postdocs and doctoral students who are currently or have been funded by other projects at the University of Tübingen or already have or had an employment contract at the University of Tübingen in the past are not eligible to apply.

List of eligible partnerships

Strategic partnerships

Matariki Network of Universities (MNU)

CIVIS, incl. African Partner Universities

The African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA)

Application requirements

  1. Academic relations with the potential hosting professor at the department where the fellow is planning to spend his/her visit are essential.
  2. Teaching
    • Classes of at least 2 teaching hours per week (2 SWS) must be held.
    • The classes offered must not replace fundamental teaching (basic/undergraduate classes or introducory classes) and should be designed to attract a large number of students. 
    • The courses offered need to be open to the public and accessible to all students.
    • The lessons offered should be held in English or, in philology, in another foreign language.
  3. It is mandatory for the fellow, to attend the workshop "Science Compass" (introductory event and intercultural training) two weeks prior to the start of the semester, and to attend a fellow workhop organised by the College of Fellows

Please note:
Teaching is a very important part of the program, and the quality of teaching will be given special consideration in the application process. Teaching face-to-face is mandatory according to university policy.


1. Fellowship

  • Postdocs EUR 1853/month

2. Remuneration for teaching (min. 2 SWS/max. 6 SWS)

  • PostDocs EUR 50/teaching hour (SWS)

3. Travel expenses for travelling to Tübingen: up to EUR 1500 (documented costs, no reimbursement of moving expenses or travel expenses of family members)

4. Child benefit

  • EUR 400/month (1. child)
  • EUR 100/month (each additional child)

Funding period

Length of stay: 1 semester (min. 4 months) or 2 semesters (max. 12 months)

Start of the fellowship: with the start of the respective term:

  • 1 April (summer term)
  • 1 October (winter term)

Suggested period for arrival in Tübingen:

  • 15 – 31 March (starting summer term)
  • 15 – 30 September (starting winter term)

Application Deadline

The Teach@Tübingen Fellowship is open for applications twice a year. The application phases are as follows: 

1 May – 20 June fellowship starts 1 April the following year

1 October – 20 November  fellowship starts 1 October the following year


Applications can be submitted online from 1 May / 1 October each year via the application portal.

Online Application Portal


Two separate PDF documents must be uploaded as follows:

1. PDF

  • Letter of support from the hosting professor at the University of Tuebingen (max. 2 pages)
  • Cover letter from the candidate stating his/her motivation for participating in the Teach@Tübingen program (max. 2 pages)
  • CV (max. 2 pages)
  • Certificate of language proficiency (English or other language of instruction) - min. C1 (not applicable for native speakers)
  • List of most important publications (max. 10, max. 1 page)
  • Proven teaching experience (max. 1 page)
  • Course(s) which will be taught in Tübingen including the title of the planned course(s), the type of class (lecture, seminar...), the number of teaching hours taught per week (SWS), and a short abstract on the contents of the planned course(s) (max. 1 page per course)
  • Contents of proposed research (max. 1 page)
  • Max. 2 further reference letters

2. PDF

  • Certificate of the highest university degree obtained to date (PhD or other)


How do I apply for an extension?

The maximum length of stay within the Teach@Tübingen Fellowship is 1 year (2 semesters). For the submission of an application for extension apply the same deadlines as for new applications (June, 20 and November, 20). Within this application period you apply as usual as you did the first time via the online application portal.

Online Application Portal 

For the application you will need the following documents

  • A letter from you explaining why you would like to extend, what you´ve done in the first semester regarding teaching and research and what you´re intending to do in the second semester
  • The second letter must be written by your host, arguing why he/she would like to extend your Teach@Tübingen Fellowship at the university for another semester, how the relationship has been to date (integration of the fellow), what the work of the fellow has been, what is planned for the next semester and what is the added value of the extended stay for the chair/institute, etc.

Am I also eligible to apply if my university is not in the list of partner universities?

You are eligible to apply for the Fellowship, even if your university is not included in the list of the strategically important partners of the University of Tübingen. This is "nice to have" but not a must for the application.

When will I be informed about the result of my application?

Since the reviewing process takes a while, you will normally receive a reply within 3-4 weeks after the application deadline.

How do I find a hosting professor in Tübingen?

Please directly email a professor with whom you would like to work, and discuss the opportunity for hosting you as part of the Teach@Tübingen Fellowship with him or her.


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