International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)


Latest articles of this category

18th June 2024

Female identities in internet communication 

At the beginning of its use, the Internet was associated with high expectations in terms of free communication. This freedom was conceptually linked to the invisibility of physical identities. From a perspective related to female identities, the article shows that although there are still ways of concealing living bodies or creating new virtual bodies in Internet communication, it also argues that Internet communication is nevertheless not free from social and possibly repressive contexts.


1st August 2023

Computer games as empathy machines?

Can computer games make us more empathetic people? This is what the discussion about so-called "empathy games" seems to promise; after all, these games are supposed to promote empathic reactions and altruistic behaviour in real life as well. However, there is also criticism of the pro-empathy discourse. High time to take a closer look at the debate.


11th July 2023

Autism representation in video games

The Auti-Sim video game is one of the first in the history of gaming that allows players to slip into the shoes of an autistic avatar.This blog article shows in what sense this must be considered problematic.


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