The broad intellectual contribution of the workshop will be creative and expansive thinking about pressing needs and future goals for the study of religion as a multi-methodological academic enterprise with varying publics and complex responsibilities. The history of our field includes a record of assessing how the study of religion has been shaped by and has addressed the changing demands of society and culture. Tübingen has been a center of historical critical study of the bible and of Christian theology since the 19th century, which eventually contributed to the establishment of the study of religion as a separate field in the humanities. Since then, the study of religion has shifted from an awkward relationship with Christian theology, characterized by attraction and repulsion, to a discipline that considers “religion” itself to be a concept in need of critical examination, as it is deeply implicated in colonialism, provincialism, and power. The study of theology, in the meantime, has evolved and expanded in many ways, among them the increasing integration of religious studies into theological research and the establishment of Islamic theology within the western academy. At a broader level, we also recognize that religion as a category cannot be ignored if we want to understand how sustainable coexistence on our shared planet can be achieved—or at least attempted. 2025 is an excellent time to bring these two communities together to take stock and look ahead: the Department for the Study of Religion at the University of Toronto will begin celebrations for its 50th Anniversary and the Center for Religion, Culture, and Society (founded in 2021) animates new intellectual networks, with close connections to the Critical Proximities Cluster of Excellence, at the University of Tübingen.
This workshop showcases the strengths and possibilities of the study of religion at Tübingen and Toronto by convening scholars who study a broad array of time periods and regions, with a diversity of methods, languages, and religious traditions at play. By building conversation across four key themes, the workshop will address the changing shape and purpose of the multi-methodological study of religion and articulate a vision for what questions, methods, and theories will best enable futures for the study of religion.