
Informationen zur Universität Tübingen in Deutscher Gebärdensprache

Die Universität Tübingen stellt sich vor

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Das Video herunterladen: Die Universität Tübingen stellt sich vor (mp4, 5:20 Min., 164 MB)

Navigation auf der Internetseite

External content

Actually, you are supposed to see a video here. To display this content (source: www.youtube-nocookie.com), please click the "Accept" button below. Please note that by viewing the video, data might be transmitted to third parties or cookies may be stored.

For further information see our privacy policy.

Das Video herunterladen: Die Internetseite der Universität (mp4, 9:10 Min., 273 MB)

Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit

External content

Actually, you are supposed to see a video here. To display this content (source: www.youtube-nocookie.com), please click the "Accept" button below. Please note that by viewing the video, data might be transmitted to third parties or cookies may be stored.

For further information see our privacy policy.

Das Video herunterladen: Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit (mp4, 13:14 Min., 408 MB)

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