Master theses should be registered after passing all needed modules and at the beginning of the final semester, see application for master thesis registration in the download area.
One hard copy and a PDF of the master's thesis must be submitted to the examination office by the last day of the semester (March 31 or September 30). Supervisors must also receive a copy of the thesis, which can either by a hard copy or a PDF file at their discretion.
The oral exam, in form of a public 15-minute lecture with a 5-minute discussion, usually takes place on the Friday of the first week of the following semester. To take the exam, you need to re-register (matriculate) in the respective following semester.
The master's thesis must generally be written in German or English and must contain a summary in German or English with a minimum of 2000 and a maximum of 3000 characters. The form of the title page and the two following pages with explanations are specified in the master's thesis title page, see download area. Another title page can be inserted before the official title page.
When completing the bachelor's degree with a minor in paleoanthropology or Archaeological Sciences, the relevant certificates (see module handbook in the download area) must be presented to the examination office. The examination office then creates the transcript of records to be passed on to the examination office for the main subject.