
Prof. Dr. Hsueh Chih-Jen 薛智仁


Prof. Dr. Hsueh Chih-Jen 薛智仁

Home Institiution:

National Taiwan University, College of Law

Duration of Stay:

July 26 to Aug. 23, 2013


College of Law
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan


Doctor of Law (Dr. jur.) 2010, Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen

Master of Law (LL.M), 2002, National Taiwan University

Bachelor of Law (LL.B), 1998, National Taiwan University


August 2013—present, Assistant Professor of Law, College of Law, National Taiwan University

February 2011—August 2013, Assistant Professor of Law, Department of Law, National Cheng Kung University

September 2002—January 2005, Vice Chief Editor, Taiwan Law Review

Research and Teaching Interests

Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Law of Criminal Sanctions

Main Publication


Hsueh Chih-Jen(2013), Abschied vom Begriff der Tatbeendigung im Strafrecht, SCHRIFTEN ZUM STRAFRECHT 218, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot (zugleich Diss. Tübingen 2010) (in German)

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2002), Criminalizing of Participation in Brawl, Taipei: Sharing Publishing (in Chinese)

Selected Articles

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2014), The Interpretation and Legislation on the Offence of Obtaining Magnetic Records of Others Without Good Cause, Chengchi Law Review (in press) (in Chinese) [TSSCI]

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2013), Theoretical Basis, Legal Characteristics and Legal Effect of the Statute of Limitations in the Criminal Justice System, Academia Sinica Law Journal 12: 263-324 (in Chinese) [TSSCI]

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2013), Rethinking the Defendant’s Duty to Appear Before the Court on the Trial Date, Taipei University Law Review 85: 225-271 (in Chinese) [TSSCI]

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2013), Criminal Penalties for Phishing, Soochow Law Review 24(3): 149-185 (in Chinese) [TSSCI]

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2012), The Concept of Illicit Proceeds from Insider Trading, Chengchi Law Review 126: 245-299 (in Chinese) [TSSCI]

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2011), The Rationale of the Inadmissibility of the Evidence Unlawfully Obtained by a Private Person: A Case Study of the Supreme Court Judgment No. 97 Tai-Shang 734, Chengchi Law Review 121: 53-1105 (in Chinese) [TSSCI]

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2011), The Controversy on the Punishment of Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis: A Review and Analysis of the New Development of German Law, Cheng Kung Law Review 21: 95-141 (in Chinese)

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2010), Reformation of the Criminal Penalty System to Limit Short-Term Sentences: A Commentary of Amending Article 41 of the Criminal Code, Chengchi Law Review 116: 239-291 (in Chinese) [TSSCI]

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2009), Payment in Lieu of Execution and Combination of Sentence of Multiple Offences: A Touchy Issue, Cheng Kung Law Review 18: 1-38 (in Chinese)

Hsueh Chih-Jen(2009), The Punishability of the Act of Changing Domicile for the Purpose for the Qualifying as an Elector, Journal of New Perspective on Law 7: 77-103 (in Chinese)

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