Bachelor thesis application

Please fill in the online application form fully and add the necessary documents:

  • CV
  • an up-to-date statement of your academic performance (transcript of records)
  • your final high school grade
  • a short cover letter
Hints to your cover letter

This cover letter should be at maximum a half of a page and refers to the following points:

  • Do you have experience in the field of applied regression analysis? Or are you willing to learn about it? Do you know the term “Panel Data”? (You can look it up in some books available in the library such as, Wooldridge and Studenmund). Have you ever estimated a regression by yourself? (This is not mandatory).
  • Would you be willing  to visit an archive in another city or abroad for 2-3 days? Are you planning to do a semester abroad or to travel somewhere else to visit friends? (All of this is not obligatory and is not required to write a first-class thesis as well, especially since we have data available in our department as well. However, some students were very interested in this option and  performed very well. Other students concentrated more on the econometric analysis, also with very good results).
  • Which unequal month would you like to start?