Moritz Kaiser
Research Associate
Office & Contact
Melanchthonstrasse 30 | 72074 Tübingen | Germany | Room 102
+49 (0) 7071 29 77185
Office hours
On appointment!
Please send an e-mail indicating the topic you want to speak about.
Research Interests
I am an economic and social historian with an interest in the most important factor of production: labour. I took up a post-doctoral position at the Chair of Economic History at the University of Tübingen in 2023 following the completion of my education at Humboldt University Berlin (B.A.), the University of Oxford (M.Sc.), and the University of Edinburgh (Ph.D.). My PhD thesis reconstructed the life courses of women institutionalised in Magdalen Asylums in England between 1830-1900.
More broadly, my research interests encompass:
- human capital,
- social mobility,
- welfare provision,
- and labour markets.
Central to my research interests are questions of gender. Currently I am working on several projects including reconstructing household living standards and female labour force participation in Germany over the course of industrialisation, and on a study examining the life-course effects of community and childhood adversity.