Dr. Hendrik Quest
Currently, Hendrik is the study program convenor for the Master program Peace Research and International Relations.
Before, Hendrik has been working as a research associate in the International Relations / Peace and Conflict Studies department with Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever, as well as in the research project Transformation of violence-centred masculinities after armed conflicts. Hendrik holds a PhD, a Masters degree in Peace Research and International Politics (Tübingen) and a Bachelors degree in Political Science (Marburg).
Hendrik is one of three gender equality officers at the Institute of Political Science.
I’m happy to supervise BA and MA thesis with a focus on peace and conflict studies as well as gender politics.
Teaching Experience
- Gender and Armed Conflicts
- Introduction to International Relations
- Introduction to Political Science
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Theories of International Relations and Peace
- Two-term seminar: Undergraduate research project
- Understanding and critically discussing current politics
Research Interests
- Gender and armed conflict
- Critical masculinity studies
- Gender in military and police
- Peacebuilding
- Peace mediation
- Messerschmidt, Maike; Quest, Hendrik (2024): Change in Practice: a Framework for Analysing the Transformation of Post-Conflict Masculinities. Critical Military Studies, 10 (1), 40-60.
- Quest, Hendrik (2022): Tracing Gender Practices After Armed Conflicts: At Peace with Masculinities? Book Series: Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Quest, Hendrik (2022): Moving Beyond Antagonisms: Changing Masculinities in Post-Conflict Militaries. International Peacekeeping 29 (3), 463-487.
- Quest, Hendrik (2020): Reforming Masculinity? The SSR-Induced Change of Violence-Centred Masculinities in the Liberian Security Sector. Femina Politica - Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 29 (1), 39-54.
- Messerschmidt, Maike; Quest, Hendrik (2019): Peacebuilding Measures and the Transformation of Masculinities - Looking at Liberia and Uganda. In Scheuermann, Manuela; Zürn, Anja (Hrsg.): Gender Roles in Peace and Security - Prevent, Protect, Participate, Berlin: Springer, 79-100.
- Messerschmidt, Maike; Quest, Hendrik (2017): Männlichkeiten im Konflikt – Zum theoretischen Verhältnis von militarisierter Männlichkeit, militärischer Männlichkeit und Hypermaskulinität. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 6 (2), 257-288.
- Quest, Hendrik (2012): Zivil- und Friedensklauseln in Deutschland – Ein Wachhund ohne Zähne? In Nielebock, Thomas; Meisch, Simon; Harms, Volker (Hrsg.): Zivilklauseln für Forschung, Lehre und Studium – Hochschulen zum Frieden verpflichtet, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2012, 71-103.
Conference & Workshop Contributions
- Invited Talk: Short Input at the Roundtable "Moving from Reform to Transformation? Feminist Foreign Policy and Security Sector Reform" in the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, 26.02.2024.
- Invited Talk: "Männlichkeit und Krieg – Zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille?" in a workshop on War and Patriarchy organised by the protestant centre women and men, virtual, 27.11.2023.
- ISA Annual Convention 2023, Montreal, Kanada, 15.03.-18.03.2023: "Interviews on Post-Conflict Masculinities as Sites of Multiple Translations", Panel: "Researching Masculinities, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Contexts", co-authored with Maike Messerschmidt, Maximilian Kiefer, Gabriele Abels and Andreas Hasenclever.
- Invited Talk: "Zwischen Krieg und Frieden -Männlichkeiten in Zeiten von Krieg in Europa“ as part of an online workshop on masculinities an war, organised by the Forum of Catholic Men, virtual, 10.11.2022.
- ISA Annual Convention 2021, Las Vegas (virtual), 06.-09.04.2021: "Moving Beyond Antagonisms: Changing Masculinities in the Armed Forces of Liberia", Panel: "The Role of Gender in Post-Conflict Militaries".
- Virtual Workshop, "Analysing Gender, Practices, and Social Change", Tübingen, 14.-15.01.2021: "The Promises and Pitfalls of Studying Violence-Centred Masculinities: Methodological Reflections", Panel "The Post-Conflict Transformation of Masculinities", co-authored with Maike Messerschmidt, Maximilian Kiefer, Gabriele Abels und Andreas Hasenclever.
- Invited Talk: "SSR und die Transformation von gewaltzentrierten Männlichkeiten in Liberia" as part of an online series on Gender and SSR, organised by the Beirat Zivile Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung (advisory body to the German Government), 29.10.2020.
- EISA Pan-European Conference, Prag, 12.-15.09.2018: "Rebuilding masculinity? The transformation of violence-centred masculinities in the Liberian security sector as a result of SSR".
- ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, 22.-25.08.2018: "Practices of Change: How to Grasp the Transformation of Violence-Centred Masculinities in the Post-Conflict Context", co-authored with Maike Messerschmidt.
- European Conference on Politics and Gender, Lausanne, 08.-10.06.2017: "Between structure and practice: A theory-based framework for masculinities in armed conflict", co-authored with Maike Messerschmidt.
- ISA Annual Convention 2017, Baltimore, 22.-25.02.2017: "Beyond Buzzwords: Towards a Better Understanding of Hypermasculinity, Military Masculinity, and Militarised Masculinity in Peace and Conflict Studies", co-authored with Maike Messerschmidt.
- Global Society Workshop on Gender and Security, 13.01.2017, Canterbury: "Black Holes in the Research on DDR and SSR: Why We Need a Critical Gender Perspective".
- International Peace Research Assocation General Conference, 27.11.-01.12.2016, Freetown: "Militarized Masculinity, DDR and SSR: Reflections about a new research agenda".
- International Political Science Association World Congress, 23.-28.07.2016, Poznan: "Militarized Masculinity in the Context of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR): An Assessment".
- Symposium on Ethics: The Value of (In-)Security am Internationalen Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften, 28.-30.07.2015, Tübingen: "At Peace with Militarized Masculinity? Impacts of Militarized Masculinity on Post-conflict Peacekeeping".
- Invited talk: "Männlichkeitskonstruktionen und die Integration von Frauen in die Bundeswehr" at a public discussion organised by Doris Wagner, member of the German Bundestag on the inclusion of women into the German army, 27.11.2015, Berlin.