Center for Gender and Diversity Research

Corona, Gender, and Diversity

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, our everyday lives have changed fundamentally. These developments affect people to different degrees. The Center for Gender and Diversity Research seeks to highlight the consequences of 'corona' and the measures that have been taken with regard to gender, diversity, power structures, and norms. For this purpose, during the inital phase of the pandemic between March and July 2020, we collected journalistic and scholarly essays, interviews, and articles that address these issues.


Gender, Inequality, and Retraditionalisation

Murphy, Paige, and Tayler Hackett. "Sex Work, Covid-19 and the UK Lockdown." Verso, 01 Apr. 2020. Link

Hardy-Fairbanks, Abby, and Christina Bourne. "'Abortion is Not Elective': Midwest Reproductive Health Care During a Pandemic." Ms. Magazine, 17 Apr. 2020. Link

Baum, Antonia. "Hannelore radikalisiert sich." ZEIT ONLINE, 26 Apr. 2020. Link

Baker, Carrie N. "Texas Abortion Battle in the Age of Corona: A Timeline." Ms. Magazine, 27 Apr. 2020. Link

Harrison, Genie. "Know Your Rights: This Pandemic Is a 'Women’s Virus'." Ms. Magazine, 27 Apr. 2020. Link

Szal, Roxy. "Gender Gap Now a 'Gulf' on Coronavirus, Trump and Economy." Ms. Magazine, 04 May 2020. Link

Wenham, Clare, and Julia Smith. "COVID-19: the gendered impacts of the outbreak." The Lancet, 6 May 2020. Link

Norwood, Aliza, and Kapadia, Anu. "Abortion Bans Are Bad Medicine—Especially During a Pandemic." Ms. Magazine, 09 May 2020. Link

Raether, Elisabeth. "Frauen, seid dankbar!" ZEIT ONLINE, 17 May 2020. Link

Gerhardt, Daniel. "Gleichberechtigung muss wehtun." ZEIT ONLINE, 21 May 2020. Link

UN WOMEN. "COVID-19: Emerging gender data and why it matters." [Data Analysis].  Link


Family and Parenthood

Medina, Jennifer, and Lisa Lerer. "When Mom’s Zoom Meeting Is the One That Has to Wait." New York Times, 22 Apr. 2020. Link

Ferguson, Donna. "'I Feel Like a 1950s Housewife': How Corona Has Exposed the Gender Divide." The Guardian, 3 May 2020. Link

Cain Miller, Claire. "Nearly Half of Men Say They Do Most of the Home Schooling. 3 Percent of Women Agree." New York Times, 06 May 2020. Link

Blasevic, Cindy. "Motherhood in the Coronavirus Pandemic." The Globe and Mail, 09 May 2020. Link

Pickert, Nils. "Fiese, geldgeile Mütter." Pinkstinks, 14 May 2020. Link

Shaji, Sukanya. "Housework And The Normalization Of The ‘Clueless Man’." Feminism in India, 20 May 2020. Link

Savage, Maddy. "As working mums perform more childcare and face increased job insecurity, there are fears Covid-19 has undone decades of advancement. But could the pandemic be a catalyst for progress?" BBC, 01 July 2020. Link


Gender and Violence

Singano, Mwanahamisi. "How to Stop Coronavirus Lockdown Leading to an Upsurge in Violence Against Women." From Poverty to Power, 25 Mar. 2020. Link

Schelenz, Laura. "Wenn „zu Hause bleiben“ gefährlicher ist als das Virus – häusliche Gewalt." Universität Tübingen, 06 Apr. 2020. Link



Hensel, Jana. "Die Krise der Männer." ZEIT ONLINE, 13 Apr. 2020. Link

Pickert, Nils. "Männer sind systemrelevant." Pinkstinks, 21 Apr 2020. Link

Levy, Deborah. "We need an end to male authoritarian ignorance." Penguin, 27 Apr. 2020. Link

Arežina, Andrea, and Anne Morgenstern. "Interview mit Patricia Purtschert: 'In den Köpfen vieler Menschen gibt es diese Koppelung von Expertise und Männlichkeit'." Republik, 28 Apr. 2020. Link

Glick, Peter. "Masks and Emasculation: Why Some Men Refuse to Take Safety Precautions." Scientific American, 30 Apr. 2020. Link

Marinić, Jagoda. "Die Stunde der Schreimänner." taz, 06 May 2020. Link

Boskovich, Ben. "Masks, Men, and the Exhausting Pursuit of Desperate Masculinity." Esquire, 15 May 2020. Link

Elan, Priya. "The data is in: men are too fragile to wear Covid-19 masks. Grow up, guys." The Guardian, 03 July 2020. Link



Lewis, Helen. "The Coronavirus is a Disaster for Feminism." The Atlantic, 19 Mar. 2020. Link

Thaler, Selina. "Corona Krise zeigt, wie Frauen die Gesellschaft stützen." Der Standard, 19 Mar. 2020. Link

Mader, Katharina. "Feministische Ökonomie gegen die Krise." an.schläge. Das feministische Magazin 3/2020. Link

United Nations Population Fund. "COVID-19: A Gender Lens. Protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and Promoting Gender Equality." March 2020. (pdf)

Hobson, Janell. "What Black Women’s Histories Can Teach Us about Pandemics." Ms. Magazine, 20 Apr. 2020. Link

Cavallero, Luci, and Verónica Gaco. "Crack Up! Eine feministische Agenda für die Post-Pandemie." Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, 21 Apr. 2020. Link

Hutner, Heidi. "Earth Day, Ecofeminism and Racial Injustice in the Year of the Plague, COVID-19." Ms. Magazine, 22 Apr. 2020. Link

Caliskan, Selmin Hava (Eds.). "Feminist Resources on the Pandemic." Center for Feminist Foreign Policy. Link

Feminist Alliance for Rights. "Call for a Feminist COVID-19 Policy." Open Letter. Link



Striegan, Agnes Maria. "Viele queere Menschen trifft die Corona-Krise besonders." Jetzt, 24 Apr. 2020. Link

Ludigs, Dirk. "Interview mit Dirk Sander: 'Die Hetero-normativität der Ein­schrän­kungen'." taz, 26 Apr. 2020. Link

Alvarez Moreno, Juan F. "Zurück ins falsche Geschlecht." ZEIT ONLINE, 28 May 2020. Link



Khan, Sadiq. "More BAME People are Dying From Coronavirus. We Have to Know Why." The Guardian, 19 Apr. 2020. Link

Klingst, Martin. "Das Coronavirus offenbart ein gespaltenes Land." ZEIT ONLINE, 20 Apr. 2020. Link

Hahn, Rebecca. "The emergence of the virus has unleashed a new strain of anti-Asian racism all over the world. Interview with Zairong Xiang." attempto, 18 May 2020. Link

Haug, Oliver C. "Black-Owned Businesses Closing at Dramatically Higher Rates." Ms. Magazine, 02 July 2020. Link



Billing, Leila. "What Does Feminist Leadership Look Like in a Pandemic?" Medium, 21 Mar. 2020. Link

Pestana, Fiona. "Nine Women Leaders Who Stepped Up During the Coronavirus Pandemic." Ms. Magazine, 14 Apr. 2020. Link

Henley, Jon, and Eleanor Ainge Roy. "Are female leaders more successful at managing the coronavirus crisis?" The Guardian, 25 Apr. 2020. Link



Xiang, Zairong. "COVID-19. On the Epistemic Condition." Open Democracy, 06 Apr 2020. Link

Enloe, Cynthia. "'War' Narratives and COVID-19." QCEA, 21 Apr. 2020. Link (YouTube)

Yancy, George. "Interview with Judith Butler: Mourning Is a Political Act Amid the Pandemic and Its Disparities." Truthout, 30 Apr. 2020. Link

Preciado, Paul B. "Learning From the Virus." Artforum, 1 May 2020. English / Deutsch


Social Coherence

Raether, Elisabeth. "‘Dieses Klatschen ist fast zynisch.’" ZEIT ONLINE, 25 Mar. 2020. Link

Krüger, Marco. "Die Dynamiken der Krise. Über ambivalente Entschleunigung und prekäre Systemrelevanz." IZEW Uni Tübingen, 24 Apr. 2020. Link

Schlüter, Nadine. "Interview mit Murtaza Akbar: 'Wenn ich jedem ,Bleib gesund’ schreibe, ist es irgendwann nichts mehr wert'." Jetzt, 26 Apr. 2020. Link

Reygers, Verena. "Neue Verkehrsregeln." Pinkstinks, 05 May 2020. Link

Orah Mark, Sabrina. "Fuck the Bread. The Bread is Over." The Paris Review, 07 May 2020. Link

Haug, Lean. "Social Distancing vor dem Hintergrund sozialer Ausgrenzung." adis e.V. Link


Research in a State of Crisis

Anguelovski, Isabelle "Academia in the Time of Covid-19: Our Chance to Develop an Ethics of Care." Barcelona Laboratory for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainablilty, 31 Mar. 2020. Link

Minello, Allesandra. "The Pandemic and the Female Academic." Nature, 17 Apr. 2020. Link

Flaherty, Collen. "No Room of One's Own." Inside Higher Ed, 21 Apr. 2020. Link

Buckee, Caroline "Women in science are battling both Covid-19 and the patriarchy." Times Higher Education, 15 May 2020. Link

Viglione, Giuliana. "Are women publishing less during the pandemic? Here’s what the data say." Nature, 20 May 2020. Link




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