Workshop: The Complexities and Dynamics of Social Interaction and Encounters in Neighborhoods
University of Tübingen, 30-31 January 2025
The College of Fellow's Focus Group Global Encounters: Neighbourhoods and the Global Encounters Platform at the University of Tübingen are organizing a two-day international workshop in January 2025 to provide an interdisciplinary platform for academics, researchers, policymakers, activists, and professionals to reevaluate the ways of doing and thinking in the neighborhood. It will sharpen the sociological, anthropological, historical, philosophical, cultural, religious, linguistic, and economic dimensions of the complexities and dynamics of social interaction in neighborhoods considering spatiality, temporality, and the agency of change and resistance.
We seek submissions from scholars, activists, and policymakers whose work addresses the following conceptual, theoretical, and practical questions: What are the factors of social change in the neighborhood? What is the role of agency that shapes social interaction within the neighborhood? How did colonialism transform contemporary neighborhoods? How do people utilize temporal and spatial dynamics to (re)organize neighborhood encounters and sociality? How do migration, international mobility, industrial capitalism, urbanization, and technological developments affect neighborhoods? How do neighborhoods resist the changes occasioned by heterogeneity? How do neighborhoods communicate with each other? What guarantees cohesion in a neighborhood? And how do neighborhoods deal with conflict and contradictions?
Interested participants are invited to submit a title and abstract of not more than 300 words in English and institutional affiliation to global-encountersspam by 13 November 2024.
The full text of the call can be downloaded here.