International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)


Latest articles of this category

16th July 2024

Human(s) in the loop(s): On the use of AI in German law enforcement

The criminal justice system is a core area of society undergoing intense digitalization and datafication processes accompanied and accelerated by rapidly evolving artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. While the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) provides the legal framework for the adoption of AI-based systems for the police, our research provides the empirical data to analyze this undertaking. By outlining the requirements for human oversight of AI applications in the context of policing, we demonstrate the importance of ethical reflection where AI use can have serious consequences.


28th May 2024

Automated Pain Detection

The emerging technology of AI-supported pain assessment not only has the potential to support external pain evaluations by medical and nursing staff, it also harbours a number of ethical problems. The risk of systematic discrimination against members of certain groups in being able to provide competent information about their own pain deserves particular attention here, as there is a long tradition of such epistemic injustices in the field of pain diagnosis and treatment.


2nd April 2024

The Role of ethics in shaping robotics development

This article discusses how ethics can be integrated into the development of autonomous robotics. Firstly, a potential mediating role between philosophical ethics and engineering is outlined. Secondly, the capability of ethics of robotics in making implicit values in the development of the technology is explicitly discussed. Thirdly, it is demonstrated how this reflection can contribute to making issues of responsibility visible. Finally, it is pointed out that ethical reasoning and concepts often precede and inform legal regulation.


All articles of this category

Release Date Authors Article
16.07.2024 Lou Brandner & Anna Louban

Human(s) in the loop(s): On the use of AI in German law enforcement

28.05.2024 Wulf Loh Automated Pain Detection
02.04.2024 Sebastian Gießler & Aline Franzke The Role of ethics in shaping robotics development
24.10.2023 Alexander Orlowski Data Protection in the Smart Home
26.09.2023 Sonja Pfisterer Recap of the Symposium on Social Justice and Technological Futures
04.04.2023 Karoline Reinhardt Trust in AI Ethics
09.02.2023 Alexander Orlowski Neutrality of ChatGPT
15.12.2022 Martin Hennig Digital afterlife
02.09.2022 Céline Gressel Warum wir über Anwender*innen sprechen sollten
29.03.2022 Mone Spindler Digitale Lösungen für Probleme mit Demenz - Chancen und Risiken auszubalancieren reicht nicht aus
17.05.2021 Isabella Hermann Demokratie, Behörden und KI
06.04.2021 Jessica Heesen Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
08.02.2021 Paula Helm Covideo-Partys und Zoom-Fatigue
12.11.2020 Cora Bieß, Maria Pawelec Schaden Deepfakes (wirklich) der Demokratie?
07.05.2020 Wulf Loh, Laura Schelenz How the triage rules compound historical injustices against Black communities in the USA