International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Education / Science

Latest articles of this category

25th January 2024

Ethical reflection as orientation knowledge

In this blog article, the problem of a lack of orientation is framed as an area of tension between knowledge of availability and knowledge of orientation, with particular consideration of ethical reflection as a form of knowledge of orientation.


10th October 2023

Child, nature and their relationship

In order to come closer to the goal of a sustainability-oriented transformation of society, we need mature and creative people who approach complex issues openly and courageously. To this end, it is important to enable children to experience failure, self-efficacy and the challenge of difficult situations in a protected setting. A learning space of this kind can be provided by nature experience spaces.


12th September 2023

Generative Language Models

It is crucial for humans to understand what it means that large language models (LLMs) operate statistically. The article provides examples of misunderstandings with consequences for everyday societal processes in education and law, and advocates for comprehensive initiatives to acquire understanding of the technical functioning of large language models, general critival judgement, and reflective competence regarding one's own perceptions and assumptions.


All articles of this category

Release Date Authors Article
25.01.2024 Jonathan Lübke Ethical reflection as orientation knowledge
10.10.2023 Carina Betz Child, nature and their relationship
12.09.2023 Jacqueline Bellon Generative Language Models
01.08.2023 Theresa Krampe Computer games as empathy machines?
13.06.2023 Simon Meisch Klimaanpassung gut gestalten
02.05.2023 Cora Bieß; Marcel Vondermaßen Seminar report: thinking war from the perspective of peace
04.04.2023 Karoline Reinhardt Trust in AI Ethics
21.03.2023 Maximilian Irion The Greenhouse and Us
07.03.2023 Jonathan Lübke Basic motives and values
21.02.2023 Simon Meisch  Ethics in TV series
27.10.2022 Amelie Schönhaar, Thomas Potthast, Jasmin Goldhausen Digital Learning for Sustainable Development?!
13.10.2022 Cora Bieß, Ingrid Stapf Zwischen Fürsorge und Forschungszielen
19.07.2022 Katharina Wezel Warum Ethik die Wut braucht
19.09.2022 Jacqueline Bellon

Das Forschen und Entwickeln erforschen und entwickeln: Ethische und soziale Aspekte integrativer Technikentwicklungsprojekte

13.12.2021 Marcel Vondermaßen Führung - Ethik - Lehre. Warum wir mehr Führungsethik unterrichten sollten
17.11.2021 Mareike Gebhardt Bildungsungleichheit - Ein viel zu subjektiver Standpunkt
09.09.2021 Thomas Schramme Pleasures and Pains of Empathy
09.06.2020 Uta Müller Wissenschaft in der Corona-Pandemie: Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
26.05.2020 Anna-Lisa Sander Harry Potter in Corona-Zeiten: Was wir von einem modernen Märchen über den Tod und das gute Leben lernen können
12.05.2020 Anne Burkhardt Kinder als oder in Gefahr? Über mögliche Folgen der Corona-Maßnahmen auf kindliche Entwicklung und Werteverständnis
24.04.2020 Marco Krüger Die Dynamiken der Krise
18.04.2020 Kerstin Schopp Reflexionen zu einem (noch) nicht-stattgefundenen Feldaufenthalt in Tansania