Social Cognition and Decision Sciences

Social Cognition and Decision Sciences

The focus of our workgroup is on social cognition and decision research. We deal with the cognitive processes that in particular underlie the acquisition, change, and retrieval of attitudes, the formation of judgments in different areas, as well as the use of the so-called wisdom of the crowds. All research topics follow a connecting ecological perspective on psychological phenomena. That is, we examine how the context affects cognitive processes in learning, judgment, and decision making.

If you would like to know more about our work, you can attend our seminars and lectures, visit our weekly colloquium, or experience our research directly as a participant in the lab! News from our team can be found under News.

We are currently offering PhD positions in the DFG Research Training Group "Statistical Modeling in Psychology" (SMiP). Find more information in the Call For Applications and on the SMiP homepage.

This semester we are holding our weekly colloquia in presence, you are very welcome to attend! Here you can find our schedule for the colloquium of the ongoing semester.

Head of Division

Prof. Dr. Mandy Hütter


Nicole Hamburg

Team Members

Dr. Karoline Bading

Johanna Höhs, M.Sc.

Dr. Zachary Niese

Dr. Tobias R. Rebholz

Florian Scholten, M.Sc.

Prof. Dr. René Ziegler

Student Research Assistants

Ana-Monica Ionita

Emily Asshauer

Leonie-Marie Allar

Former Team Members

Dr. Fabian Ache

Katharina Berger, M.Sc.

Dr. Marco Biella

Xinkai Du, M.Sc.

Dr. Max Hennig

Dr. Max Ihmels

Niels Kukken, M.Sc.

Adrien Mierop, M.Sc.

Dr. Kathrin Reichmann

David Tigges, M.Sc.

Thomas Verliefde, M.Sc.

Dr. Birka Zapf