Institute of Political Science

Somayeh Fatehi

Doctoral Student

Somayeh Fatehi is a PhD student at the Institute for Political Science (IfP) at the University of Tübingen since September 2022
She holds a B.A. in Social Science Research from the Payam Noor University, Iran and a M.A. in Sociology from the University of Kurdistan, Iran. she collaborated as research assistant in the research project of the Department of Social Affairs of Kurdistan Provincial Government titled ֞Family Life and Sexual and Gender Socialization in the Cities of Sanandaj and Saqez” for the duration of one year From Sep. 2017 – Sep. 2018.
In her PhD project, Somayeh Fatehi focuses on the diversity and multiplicity behind the slogan of "WomanLifeFreedom", the symbol of Jina uprising in Iran, by tracing its origins in the activism, agency, and everyday struggle of Kurdish women. She draws on a multi-method design involving political ethnography and interpretivist research strategies in the Social Sciences.
Research Foci:

  • Kurdish Women Activism and Everyday Forms of Resistance
  • Decolonial Approaches and Feminist Geopolitics
  • Ethnographic Methods in Political Science
  • Feminist Approaches to International Law and Security Studies
  • Participatory-Action-Research
  • Regional Focus: Kurdistan Region in Iran, Turkey, Syria and Iraq