Institute of Modern History

Dr. Sabine Hanke

Academic Researcher


Seminar für Neuere Geschichte
Wilhelmstraße 36
72074 Tübingen

07071 29-78517


Office hours during semester break 2025:

Consultation hours during semester break, after taking contact via email.

office: Hegelbau, ground floor, room 028


Universität Duisburg-Essen, postdoctoral researcher
Parental leave
University of Sheffield, PhD Candidate

Thesis: National identity and cultural difference in the British and German circus, 1920-1945, supervised by Prof Mary Vincent, Dr Esme Cleall and Dr Julia Moses, formerly Prof Bob Moore and Dr Dina Gusejnova, examined by Dr Moritz Föllmer and Dr Colin Reid, PhD awarded in January 2021)

Master of Arts in Geschichte, Technische Universität Dresden
  • 2015: internship German Historical Institute Washington, D.C.
  • 2015: internship/research Leo Baeck Institute, New York City
Bachelor of Arts in Geschichte, Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie, Technische Universität Dresden
Universitatea de Lucian Blaga, Rumänien

Scientific career

Sabine Hanke earned her PhD in History from the University of Sheffield, UK, in January 2021. Her dissertation examines the national and imperial dimensions of the modern British and German circus during the interwar period, focusing on how cultural practices both reflected and shaped knowledge about nationhood and empire. Currently, she is preparing her first monograph, based on her thesis, for publication with Manchester University Press, forthcoming in January 2025

Before joining the University of Tübingen, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen’s Section on Global Mobility, spanning the 18th and 20th centuries, where she investigated transregional entanglements while also teaching courses in Modern History.

In her current project, she deepens her engagement with Human-Animal Studies by exploring the role of birds of paradise in the colonial context of New Guinea throughout the long nineteenth century. This project investigates how scientific knowledge, aesthetic practices, and economic interests intertwined, shaping global debates on conservation, commodification, and colonial power.

Sabine Hanke is passionate about public history and is committed to collaborative work with museums and public initiatives to critically engage with postcolonial histories and their lasting impact on contemporary society. Her most recent cooperation with the Zentrum für Erinnerungskultur focused on the colonial legacy in Duisburg.


Research interests

  • Human-Animal Studies and Environmental History
  • Modern European Colonial and Imperial History and its entanglements
  • Popular Culture Studies
  • History of knowledge and science


  • 3-year full-time scholarship for PhD, Arts and Humanities Faculty, University of Sheffield, 2016/17-2019/20.



  • Worlds of the Ring: Nation and Empire in the British and German Circus, Manchester 2025.


Book reviews

  • Review of Jonathan Saha, Colonizing Animals: Interspecies Empire in Myanmar (Cambridge, 2021), Sehepunkte 23 (2023), Nr. 2 (February 2023),
  • Animal worlds. Joint review of Diana Donald, Women against cruelty: Protection of animals in nineteenth-century Britain (Manchester, 2020) and Thomas Almeroth-Williams, City of beasts: How animals shaped Georgian London (Manchester, 2019), Reviews in History 2414 (September 2020),

Popular-scientific contributions

  • Sarrasanis Völker: Menschenschauen im Zirkus, in Christina Ludwig, Andrea Rudolph, Thomas Steller et al. (ed.), Menschen anschauen: Selbst- und Fremdinszenierungen in Dresdner Menschenausstellungen (Dresden, 2023), pp. 96-103.

  • Salman Schocken, in Sabine Wolfram (ed.), Archäologie eines Kaufhauses: Konzern, Bauherr, Architekt: Das Buch zur Dauerausstellung (Berlin, 2016), pp. 60-91, together with Tomke Hinrichs.

  • “Wir wollten sie echt und leibhaftig haben haben”: American Indians im Zirkus Sarrasani 1906-1945, Dresdner Hefte. Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte 2.126 (2016), pp. 51-58.

  • Salman Schocken – “My library is my autobiography”, Sächsische Heimatblätter 4 (2014), pp. 396-403, together with Antje Borrmann and Tomke Hinrichs.


organized workshops and conferences

  • 18-19 July 2024: International Workshop „Of Species and Specimens: Tracing Nonhuman Histories in Times of Imperial Expansion”, University of Tübingen, together with Anne Sophie Overkamp, link to workshop report here.
  • 11 May 2018: International Conference “Circus and Beyond: A Conference on History and Popular Culture”, University of Sheffield, together with Giulia Quaggio, Apurba Chatterjee, Rachel C. Garratt and Sarah Hess, link to conference here.


summer semester 2024


Der koloniale Blick: eine visuelle Geschichte im kolonialen Kontext
Mo., 14-17 Uhr c.t., mit Tutorium. Ort: Raumangabe folgt
Beginn für beides: 15.04.2024


winter semester 2024/25
  • Proseminar: Eine Wissenschaft im Dienste des Kolonialismus? Die Erforschung der Inselwelten des Südpazifiks im 19. Jahrhundert
  • Übung zum wissenschaftlichen Lesen und Schreiben: Vom Aussterben bedroht: Naturschutz und Öffentlichkeit, 1870er bis 1930er Jahre
summer semester 2024
  • Proseminar: Der koloniale Blick: eine visuelle Geschichte im kolonialen Kontext

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