Institute of Modern History

Christoph Dominik Blum

Research associate (PhD candidate)

Office Address
CRC 923 "Threatened Order"
Doblerstr. 21
72074 Tübingen
 +49 7071 29-77355

E04 – Stock market crash

Project within the CRC 923

Project E04 investigates the threat diagnosis related to the stock market crash that occurred in the second half of the 18th and 19th centuries as well as the subsequent coping practices that were implemented. Special attention is paid to the relevance of diachronic interdependencies. In concrete terms, the objective is to examine how knowledge about hyper-speculation and price crashes that had been accumulated to that point influenced threat diagnoses and coping practices in the context of stock market crashes. The project thus applies the threatened orders model to achieve a better understanding of the re-ordering that occurred in the financial and economic system of order in the 18th and 19th centuries

Curriculum Vitae

PhD candidates' representative of the CRC 923
Since August 2019
Research associate

at the CRC 923 "Threatened Order. Societies under Stress" (Project E04)

First state exam

in the subjects history, politics/economics and philosophy/ethics


at the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg

Practical semester

at the Solitude-Gymnasium in Stuttgart-Weilimdorf

2013 to 2019
Degree course in history, politics/economics and philosophy/ethics (teaching degree)

at the University of Tübingen

Conferences / Workshops

Lectures & Talks

  • "Managing speculation. The Prussian government's response to speculation in government bonds and railway stocks in the 1830s and 1840s", as part of the Summer School "Business Beyond the Brink: Crisis Management, Resilience, Institutional Memory and Learning", Universities of Tübingen and Glasgow, August 2022.
  • „Ein solcher Keim einer neuen gesellschaftlichen Ordnung findet sich bereits im Actienwesen“ – Das Eisenbahnaktienfieber (1835–1844) im Kontext des Übergangs von der ständischen zur bürgerlichen Gesellschaft.", at "12. Internationales Forum Junge Vormärz Forschung", University of Wuppertal, April 2022.
  • "Thinking about the stock market system. The role of the stock corporation in the German Railway Mania." in the "Early Modern Financial History Seminar", October 2021.
  • "'Das Eisenbahnfieber ist stärker als jemals, es grenzt an Wahnsinn' - Eisenbahnbau, Aktienspekulation und der Börsencrash von 1844.", Colloquium of the Department of Modern History (Chair: Ewald Frie), University of Tübingen, January 2021.
  • "Joint stock companies as a new form of corporate finance. The role of non-knowledge in dealing with them and the crash of 1844" at the Workshop "Knowledge and coping strategies during stock market crashes (18th to 20th century)", Project E04, SFB 923, Tübingen, October 2020.



  • Anna Weininger / Christoph Dominik Blum: Review of Richter, Katrin: Die Medien der Börse. Eine Wissensgeschichte der Berliner Börse von 1860 bis1933. Berlin 2020. ISBN 978-3-86732-356-7, In: H-Soz-Kult, 23.07.2020, <> .