Research Center for Science Communication (RCS)

From Idea to Impact: A Project Development Workshop and Competition


Rhetoric Department of Tübingen University

Dr. Markus Gottschling
Doblerstraße 21/1
72074 Tübingen
+49 7071 / 29 73321


Do you have a great idea for a public engagement project? Are you eager to use science communication to bring your research to life and connect with a broader audience but are not sure how to implement your project? Then From Idea to Impact is your chance to make it happen! The Research Center for Science Communication (RCS) has teamed up with the University’s Graduate Academy to bring you a new initiative that is equal parts creative inspiration, hands-on mentoring, and competition to reward the best ideas. 
The contest supports the development and implementation of innovative, audience-oriented science communication formats. Selected participants will take part in a Project Development Workshop, where they will learn how to develop and implement their own project ideas with expert guidance and find the best communication format suited to their ideas. The top three projects developed in this workshop will receive additional support, including:

  • In-house mentoring on public engagement, communication skills, evaluation, and project organization by the RCS and the University’s newly established Public Engagement Hub
  • Exclusive networking opportunities within the university
  • Financial support for the implementation of the format

Who can Participate?

All researchers from the University of Tübingen are eligible to apply. While the project must be research-driven, we highly encourage collaboration with students, non-academic staff, or members of the Tübingen city community during project development.

Application & Dates

Submit a PDF with a 1-page project outline (including a rough plan and list of participants), and, if applicable, a list of collaborators plus your short CV to markus.gottschlingspam

Application Deadline: May 5, 2025
Announcement of Results: By May 15, 2025
Project Development Workshop: July 3 - 4, 2025
Project Plan Submission Deadline: July 31, 2025

What Happens Next?

All applications will be reviewed by an expert jury, and the results will be announced by May 15. Selected applicants will then participate in the Project Development Workshop on July 3–4, where they will refine their ideas, receive expert input and will learn how to successfully develop the project.

Following the workshop, participants will have time until July 31 to develop a concrete project plan, supported by the RCS and the Public Engagement Hub. They will then present their finalized concepts to the jury, which will select the top three winning projects. These projects will receive both financial and professional support to bring their ideas to life!

Funded as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments.

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