Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science - News


Andreas Geiger receives Sage’s 10-Year Impact Award

Publication on KITTI dataset one of the three most cited articles published in Sage journals over…

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Tübingen Computer Science shines in new CHE ranking

With its bachelor’s programs in Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Media…

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ERC Consolidator Grant for Philipp Hennig

Prof. Philipp Hennig's AI research will receive €2 million in funding from the EU over the next five…

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Alfried Krupp Prize for Zeynep Akata Schulz

Cluster professor Prof. Dr. Zeynep Akata Schulz has been awarded the Alfried Krupp Prize 2023.

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Teaching Award for Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jonathan Brachthäuser

The Teaching Award of the Board of Studies of the Department of Computer Science in recognition of…

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New professorship at the Department of Computer Science

A warm welcome to Prof. Dr. Georg Martius, who as of April 1st 2023 holds the new chair for…

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Teaching Award for Dr. Armando Cabrera Pacheco

The Teaching Award of the Academic Council of the Department of Computer Science in recognition of…

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New Independent Research Group at the Cluster of Excellence 'Machine Learning'

Dr. Claire Vernade is head of the Independent Research Group 'Lifelong Reinforcement Learning'.

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