Center for Plant Molecular Biology

Motif Mapper VBA Installation


Option (1)

Option (2)

Option (3)


Macros are very powerful programs that are employed by different programmers for convenient access of common objects within MS based systems. The new development of the ".dot" programming language is in part based on the sophistication and power of the developing macro/scripting language. Because however, macros can also be corrupted with a virus (or simply BE a virus) it is important that a user is always aware what type of macro is being loaded and ran from the complier. In MS Word under "Extras/Macros/Security" there should be three settings that the user can choose: HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW. The normal choice should be HIGH, however in order to run some macros it is necessary to choose MEDIUM otherwise you will not even be allowed to choose if you would like to "activate macros" or not (you might have noticed that this is an option on some computers that you use). If you set the option to LOW, then all macros (including ones that are self-loading) will be accepted and executed. We recommend that the user chooses MEDIUM if connected to the internet when using the package otherwise the setting should remain on HIGH, not because of danger from this package, but from other potential viruses. If not connected to the internet, the LOW setting should provide the proper ease that a program should provide.

Remember that Motif Mapper comes with no guarantee or warrantee.
Please see Motif Mapper License.