Institute of Education

The Internship Office at the Institute for Education Sciences


Münzgasse 22
Room 315
72070 Tübingen
+49 (0)7071 29 74386



Internship Office Manager:
Dr. Mirjana Zipperle
Student Assistant:
Rebecca Mang

The Internship Office at the Institute for Education Sciences is responsible for counseling, supervision, and organization of all matters relating to internships as part of degree programs in education sciences. Internships help students to familiarize themselves with an educational work environment and to acquire professional qualifications within the framework of their academic studies. Students enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree Program Education Sciences and Social Work/Adult Education must complete an internship of a minimum of 600 working hours. In general, the internship is taken during the fourth semester of studies, but it can also be divided into periods of a minimum of 6 weeks at the same institution. To allow for greater flexibility, students may also combine part-time and full-time work after prior consultation. Please contact the Internship Office in good time to clarify your individual situation. Students must participate in two colloquiums to prepare and follow up on the internship, which is completed with a reflective report.
To obtain a Bachelor's Degree of Education Social Pedagogy/Pedagogy and General Education Subject, an internship of 810 working hours must be completed. It is usually taken during the fourth semester as a block of six months. During an internship students may change the internship provider's institution once; however, individual periods spent at an institution must not be shorter than six weeks. The internship is combined with an academic field trip seminar and a follow-up colloquium and completed with a reflective report. Services Offered by the Internship Office

  • Counseling and advice for students in all matters relating to internships
  • Study course advice, in particular concerning the connection of internships with further studies
  • Advice and information for educational institutions that provide internships or plan to do so
  • Information on current internship openings (message board)
  • Extensive collection of addresses, contacts and information concerning potential internship providers
  • Access to internship reports

Please submit your queries by email to praktikum.paedspam
Normally, you may expect a response within one week during the semester. During the semester break, a response to your query might take a little longer due to limited service.

In addition, the University of Tübingen provides a Praxisportal [a database of internships and job openings] as a transdisciplinary internship exchange on There you will find numerous additional internship openings and final papers and theses for students and doctoral students at Tübingen University. Furthermore, internship providers and employers may upload their company profile and publish job openings on the Praxisportal.

Counselling during our office hours on-site and via Zoom

You do not need an appointment to see us in our office on-site or via Zoom during our office hours. Please check our current office hours below.
If you’d like to attend our counselling service via video chat on Zoom, just click on the link below during our office hours.
Attend Zoom-Meeting
Meeting-ID: 396 791 9301
Kenncode: 630195

Consultation hours of the internship office during winter break (26.07.2024 - 13.10.2024)

Wednesday, 31.07.2024 13:00 – 16:00 Ms Mang
Tuesday, 06.08.2024 11:00 – 12:30 Ms Zipperle
Friday, 16.08.2024 14:00 – 17:00 Ms Mang
Wednesday, 21.08.2024 14:00 – 17:00 Ms Mang, Ms Schmalzried
Monday, 02.09.2024 14:00 – 16:00 Ms Schmalzried
Wednesday, 11.09.2024 10:00 – 11:30 Ms Zipperle
Monday, 16.09.2024 14:00 – 16:00 Ms Mang, Ms Schmalzried
Monday, 23.09.2024 14:00 – 16:00 Ms Mang, Ms Schmalzried
Tuesday, 01.10.2024 14:00 – 15:30 Ms Zipperle
Wednesday, 09.10.2024 11:00 – 12:30 Ms Zipperle