International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Dr Marco Krüger

Head of Safety ethics

Marco is Senior Researcher (Akademischer Rat) and PI of the research focus Security Ethics at the IZEW. Since April 2022 member of the commission of inquiry "Crisis-proof Society" of the State parliament of Baden-Württemberg. Marco's research in Security Studies particularly focuses on resilience and security ethics.

Areas of Expertise

(Critical) Security Studies, Resilience, Surveillance Studies, Gender and Security, Science and Technology Studies



Max M and Krüger M (eds.) (2023): Resiliente Pflegeinfrastrukturen - Stärkung des Risikomanagements in der ambulanten Pflege. Hannover: Vincentz Network. (Resilient Care Infrastructures - Strengthening risk management in home care)

Krüger M and Max M (eds.) (2019): Resilienz im Katastrophenfall: Konzepte zur Stärkung von Pflege- und Hilfsbedürftigen im Bevölkerungsschutz. Bielefeld: transcript. (Disaster resilience: Concepts for strengthening care recipients and people in need of help)


Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

Max M, Krüger M, Windsheimer P and Brejora M (2024): Change to persist-The adaptation of European Red Cross societies to changing patterns of volunteering, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 101, pp. 1-11.

Gabel F, Schobert M und Krüger, M (2024): Research Ethics and Ethical Research: An Example of Integrating Ethics in R&I Research, European Journal for Security Research, pp. 1-19.

Krüger M (2023): Visibilising the neglected: The emancipatory potential of resilience, European Journal of International Security, 8 (2), pp. 207-226.

Schobert M, Krüger M, Gabel F, Orru K, Naevstad, TO, Olson, A and Schieffelers A (2023): How do we know vulnerability when we see it? An approach to integrating ethical reflections into empirical disaster research, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 97, pp. 1-12.

Nahkur O, Orru K, Hansson S, Jukarainen P, Myllylä M, Krüger M, Max M, Savadori L, Nævestad TO, Frislid Meyer S, Schieffelers A, Olson A, Lovasz G, Rhinard M (2022): The engagement of informal volunteers in disaster management in Europe, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reductiononline first, 83, pp.1-14.

Nævestad TO, Orru K, Nero K, Schieffelers A; Olson A, Ludvigsen J, Airola M; Savadori L, Krüger M, Gabel F, Hesjevoll I (2022): Self-imposed social isolation among clients of social care organisations in the COVID-19 pandemic, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, online first, 83, pp.1-13.

Gabel F, Krüger M, Morsut C and Kuran C (2022): Bridging the Gap between Vulnerable Groups and Vulnerable Situations: Towards an Integrative Perspective New Assessment on Vulnerability for Disaster Risk Reduction, UN Global Assessment Report 2022 Contributing Paper. Geneva: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Orru K, Hansson S, Gabel F, Tammpu P, Krüger M, Savadori L, Meyer SF, Torpan S, Jukarainen P, Schieffelers A, Lovasz G and Rhinard M (2022): Approaches to 'vulnerability' in eight European disaster management systems, Disasters, 46 (3), pp. 742-767.

Krüger M and Albris K (2021): Resilience unwanted: Between control and cooperation in disaster response, Security Dialogue, Security Dialogue, 52 (4), pp. 343-360.

Hansson S, Orru K, Siibak A, Bäck A, Krüger M et al. (2020): Communication-related vulnerability to disasters: A heuristic framework, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, online first, pp. 1-9.

Kuran CHA, Morsut C, Kruke BI, Krüger M et al. (2020): Vulnerability and vulnerable groups from an intersectionality perspective, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, online first, pp. 1-8.

Krüger M (2019): Building Instead of Imposing Resilience: Revisiting the Relationship Between Resilience and the State. In: International Political Sociology, 13 (1), pp. 53-67.

Weinhold R, Richter P, Krüger M, Geske K (2016): Von Kameras und Verdrängung. Rechtliche Anknüpfungspunkte für ein Recht auf Stadt unter besonderer Diskussion der Videoüberwachung öffentlicher Räume. In: Kritische Justiz, 49 (1), pp. 31-46. (On cameras and expulsion. Judicial links for a right to the city with a particular discussion of camera surveillance of the public space)


Book Chapters (peer-reviewed)

Krüger M and Gabel F (2021): From Lisbon to Sendai: Responsibilities in International Disaster Management. In: Hansen-Magnusson M and Vetterlein A (eds.): The Routledge Handbook on Responsibility in International Relations. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 203-216.

Krüger M (2020): Resilienz in der Risiko- und Krisenkommunikation. Implikationen von Resilienz für die Ausgestaltung von Kommunikation im Bevölkerungsschutz. in: Ellebrecht S, Eschenbruch N and Zoche P (eds.): Sicherheitslagen und Sicherheitstechnologien. Beiträge der ersten Sommerakademie der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung 2018. Münster: LIT, pp. 227-251. (Resilience in risk and crisis communication. Implications of resilience for the enactment of communication in civil protection)

Krüger M (2018): The impact of video tracking routines on crowd behaviour and crowd policing. In: Melgaço L and Monaghan J (eds.): Protest in The Information Age: Social Movements, Digital Practices and Surveillance. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 135–150.


Book Chapters (without review)

Wezel K and Krüger M (2023): Sicherheit und Pflege gemeinsam denken: Ambulante Pflege als kritische Infrastruktur. In: Max M and Krüger M (eds.): Resiliente Pflegeinfrastrukturen - Stärkung des Risikomanagements in der ambulanten Pflege. Hannover: Vincentz Network, pp. 33-43. (Thinking security and care together: Home care as critical infrastructure)

Wezel K and Krüger M (2023): Kontinuitäten und Brüche zwischen Alltag und Ausnahme. In: Max M and Krüger M (eds.): Resiliente Pflegeinfrastrukturen - Stärkung des Risikomanagements in der ambulanten Pflege. Hannover: Vincentz Network, pp. 76-88. (Continuities and frictions between daily business and exception)

Krüger M and Kille, A (2023): Wege zu einer resilienteren Gesellschaft - die Enquetekommission "Krisenfeste Gesellschaft" des Landtags von Baden-Württemberg. In: Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen (ed.): Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2023. Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 139-150. (Approaches to a more resilient society - the parliamentary commission "Resilient Society" of the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg)

De Silva, M, Fernando, N, Hollenbach P, Krüger M, Schmelz A and Schmitt C (2023): Climate Crisis, Global Migration, and Disaster Research. Social Work as a Bridging Agent. In: Peterlini HK and Donlic J (eds.): Yearbook Migration and Society 2022/2023. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 47-60.

Krüger M (2021): Über Normativität und Notwendigkeit - Zur Bedeutung einer ethisch reflektierten Polizeiwissenschaft. In: Kühne E and Liebl K (eds.): Polizeiwissenschaft. Fiktion, Option oder Notwendigkeit? Frankfurt: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, pp. 337-360. (About Normativity and Necessity - On the meaning of ethically reflected police science)

Krüger M (2019): Resilienz – Zwischen staatlicher Forderung und gesellschaftlicher Förderung. In: Krüger M and Max M (eds.): Resilienz im Katastrophenfall: Konzepte zur Stärkung von Pflege- und Hilfsbedürftigen im Bevölkerungsschutz. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 57-75. (Resilience - Between state demand and societal support)

Krüger M  and Max M (2019): ) Über Bedarfe, Sichtbarkeit und die Voraussetzungen einer resilienten Bevölkerung. In: Krüger M and Max M (eds.): Resilienz im Katastrophenfall: Konzepte zur Stärkung von Pflege- und Hilfsbedürftigen im Bevölkerungsschutz. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 25-40. (On demands, visbility and the preconditions of a resilient population)

Krüger M (2017): "Not Doing Gender" - Über ein verwaistes Feld in der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung. In: Brand C et al. (eds.): Ethik in den Kulturen - Kultur in der Ethik. Eine Festschrift für Regina Ammicht Quinn. Tübingen: Narr/Francke/Attempto, pp. 221-229. ('Not doing gender' - On a field left fallow in civil security research)



Krüger M (2023): The Emancipatory Potential of Resilience, Dissertation, University of Tübingen, Available at:



Krause K, Schobert M and Krüger M (2024): Katastrophenbewältigung zwischen Staat und Wirtschaft. Zur Rolle von Unternehmen während des Ahrhochwassers 2021. Deutsches Rotes Kreuz: Berlin. (Disaster Management between the State and the Economy. On the role of companies in the management of the Ahr floods in 2021)

Gabel F and Krüger M (2020): Leitfaden für eine ethisch reflektierte Krisenkommunikation. Eine Analyse wertbezogener Spannungsfelder in der Krisenkommunikation, Materialien zur Ethik in den Wissenschaften, Volume 15, Tübingen: IZEW. Available at: (Guidelines for an ethically reflected crisis communication)

Krüger M and Vondermaßen M (2018): Partizipation als ein Baustein zur Förderung von Resilienz. In: Deutsches Rotes Kreuz: Die vulnerable Gruppe "ältere und pflegebedürftige Menschen" in Krisen, Großschadenslagen und Katastrophen. Teil 2: Vernetzung und Partizipation - auf dem Weg zu einem sozialraumorientierten Bevölkerungsschutz, Berlin, pp. 12-14. (Participation as a component for the promotion of resilience)

Krüger M (2018): Gesellschaftsethisches Gutachten zum Projekt „Multisensoriell gestützte Erfassung von Straftätern in Menschenmengen bei komplexen Einsatzlagen“, Tübingen: IZEW. Available at: (Ethical report on the research project: Multisensory based detection of offenders in crowds in complex police operations)

Krüger M (2016): Gewaltprävention im Fußball, in: Ammicht Quinn R (ed.): Prävention und Freiheit. Zur Notwendigkeit eines Ethik-Diskurses. Available at:, pp. 77-89. (The prevention of violence in the context of football)

Baur-Ahrens A, Krüger M, Ammicht Quinn R, Leese M and Matzner T (2015): How Smart Is “Smart Security”? Exploring Data Subjectivity and Resistance. Final Report, Tübingen: IZEW. Available at:

Conference Presentations

  • "Approaching Resilience: The increasing importance of resilience for civil protection in Germany", Workshop "Managing Crises Through Adaptability, Endurance and Resilience", Cracow (Poland), 01 December 2023. (Invited Speaker).
  • "Approaching Resilience: The increasing importance of resilience for civil protection in Germany", Workshop "Politiken und Praktiken der (Un-)Sicherheit: Perspektiven der Kritischen Sicherheitsstudien" (Politics and Practices of (In)Security: Perspectives of Critical Security Studies) - Annual Summit of the Critical Security Studies group of the DVPW, Tübingen (Germany), 13-14 November 2023.
  • "About ships, shores and shocks: Bringing resilience to the sea", 16th EISA Pan-European Conference, Potsdam (Germany), 05-09 September 2023.
  • "On precarious heroes and the taming of fragility", Workshop "Situational Awareness", University of Hamburg, Hamburg (Germany), 27-28 April 2023.
  • "Das Labor Betreuung 5000: Zur Konstruktion von (Un-)Sicherheit und der Imagination von Bevölkerung" (The mobile care module 5000: On the construction of (in)security and the imagination of the population), Workshop "Objects, Images and Places" of the DVPW Working Group Sociology of IR and the DVPW Theme Group Critical Security Studies , Hamburg, 05-06 December 2022.
  • "Historical Resilience", 15th EISA Pan-European Conference, Athens (Greece), 01-04 September 2022.
  • "Caring about Critical Infrastructures - Health, Care, and the Gendered Imaginary of Criticality in European Health Care Provision, 9th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), Thessaloniki (Greece), 06-09 July 2022.
  • "Was macht Infrastrukturen eigentlich kritisch - Pflege in Katastrophen?" (What renders infrastructures critical - Care in disasters), Congress Armut & Gesundheit (Poverty & Health), online, 22-24 March 2022.
  • "Who is (not) vulnerable during the pandemic", Nordic Pandemic Network Workshop organised by the Karolinska Institute Stockholm, online, 24/25 January 2022. (invited keynote speaker)
  • Participant at the panel "Personal Data Protection. Ethics and Human Rights.", Czernin Security Forum, online, 29/30 November 2021. (invited speaker)
  • "Caring about and Care in Disasters: On Privileges, Marginalisation and the Making of Critical (Social) Infrastructure Protection", 5th Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS), online, 21-23 September 2021. (With Nicolas Bock co-chair of the panel)
  • "Gendered (Critical) Infrastructures: Health, care and the imaginary of criticality", Workshop "Making Europe Through Infrastructures of In/Security", online (hosted by the University of Vienna), 12-13 November 2020. (with Katharina Wezel)
  • "Resilienz im Bevölkerungsschutz – Zwischen zivilgesellschaftlicher Selbsthilfe und staatlichen Schutzstrukturen" (Resilience in civil protection - Between civil-societal self-help and state protective structures) , DVPW IB-Sektionstagung (online), 07-09. October 2020.
  • "The Creation of Vulnerability: Knowledge Production in Disaster Risk Reduction", 13th EISA Pan-European Conference, Sofia (Bulgaria), 11-14 September 2019.
  • "More than meets the Eye: A Techno-Political Analysis of Jihadist Video Propaganda", 13th EISA Pan-European Conference, Sofia (Bulgaria), 11-14 September 2019. (with Yorck Beese)
  • "Power hierarchies from below - Access Limitations at the Subaltern Level of Security", EISA Early Career Researcher Workshop "Writing Methods: Encountering Secrecy and 'Mess' in Security Research", Sofia (Bulgaria), 10 September 2019.
  • "Resilience and Emancipation. Visibilising the Neglected", 6th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), Kraków (Poland), 26-29 June 2019.
  • "On Trust, Control, and Representation", 12th EISA Pan-European Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), 12-15 September 2018.
  • "Strong State or Resilient Individual? - Reflections on a Justifiable Distribution of Responsibility for Security", 12th EISA Pan-European Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), 12-15 September 2018.
  • "Resilienz in der Krisenkommunikation. Zur Bedeutung von Resilienz für die Ausgestaltung von Risiko- und Krisenkommunikation" (Resilience in Crisis Communication. On the implications of resilience for designing risk and crisis communication), Fachdialog Sicherheitsforschung, Summer Academy of the Civil Security Research 2018, Bad Pyrmont, 23-27 July 2018.
  • "Resilience Beyond Neoliberal Governmentality", 5th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), Groningen (Netherlands), 06-08 June 2018 (Co-Convenor of the workshop: "Resilience: Between the Politicization of Security and the Production of the Neoliberal Passive Individual"; with Philippe Bourbeau).
  • "Control and Cooperation in Flood Management", 3rd Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS3), Amsterdam (Netherlands), 21-23 March 2018.
  • "Preparedness in the face of the unknown: Why capabilities matter", 3rd Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS3), Amsterdam (Netherlands), 21-23 March 2018.
  • Chair of the panel "Resilience: Everyday (In)Security. New Front Line or Basic Social & Urban Policy", Prague Insecurity Conference 2017, Prague (Czech Republic), 30 November-01 December 2017. (invited)
  • "The Hidden Potential of Resilience", 4th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), Cardiff (UK), 07-10 June 2017.
  • "Resilience and Strategic Selection Biases", 2nd Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS II), Copenhagen (Denmark), 17-19 May 2017.
  • "Security, Resilience and Change - An Ambiguous Relationship", ISA 58th Annual Convention, Baltimore, Maryland (USA), 22-25 February 2017.
  • "'Smart Security' an Flughäfen. Smart für wen?" (Smart Security at Airports. Smart for whom?), 16th Austrian Conference on Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (Austria), 30 May 2016. (with Andreas Baur)
  • "Smart Security at Airports - Smart for Whom?", 3rd European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), Tübingen (Germany), 06-08 April 2016. (with Andreas Baur)
  • "Life at the Limit. Care recipients, caretakers and relief workers in disaster situations", 1st Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS), Copenhagen (Denmark), 09-11 December 2015. (with Friedrich Gabel)
  • "Neues aus dem 'Überwachungslabor' - Über Trackingverfahren bei polizeilichen Fußballeinsätzen" (News from the surveillance lab - On police tracking routines in the context of football matches), 26th DVPW Congress, Duisburg (Germany), 21-25 September 2015.
  • "Whose security is at stake? - Making sense of the European debate on migration", The Value of [In-]Security Conference, Tübingen (Germany), 28-30 July 2015.


  • Member of the enquete commission of inquiry "Crisis-proof Society" of the State parliament of Baden-Württemberg, since April 2022.
  • "Resilienz - ein Konzept für Feuerwehren?" (Resilience - A concept for fire services?), Convention of the Hanseatischen Unfallkasse der Feuerwehren Nord (Public Accidence Insurance for Firefighters), Lübeck, 16 March 2024. (Invited Speaker)
  • Workshop on Vulnerability as part of the EU Disaster Relief Exercise MAGNITUDE, Vienna, 14-15 March 2024. (Invited Speaker)
  • Panelist at the debate "Vier Jahre Corona: Was haben wir gelernt?" (4 years Corona pandemic: What have we learned?), organised by SWR (public broadcasting station for the states of Baden-Württemberg & Rhineland-Palatinate) in the State Theatre Tübingen (LTT), Tübingen, 22 February 2024. (Invited Speaker)
  • "Wie resilient ist unsere Gesellschaft?" (How resilient is our society?), Panelist of the opening event of the Science & Innovation Days of the University of Tübingen, 08 November 2023. (Invited Speaker)
  • "Wessen Sicherheit ist bedroht? Perspektiven auf gesellschaftliche Sicherheit" (Whose security is at risk? Perspectives on societal security), Talk at the teachers' qualification seminar "Peace and Human Security" of the ZSL Baden-Württemberg, 16 October 2023. (Invited Speaker)
  • "Krisenkonzepte für die ambulante Pflege" (Emergency concepts for home care services), Leitkongress und Netzwerkplattform Ambulant (LUNA) (Management congress for home care), Berlin, 09 October 2023. (Invited Speaker)
  • "Krisensicherheit im Pflegedienst" (Crisis prevention & preparedness in home care services), ALTENPFLEGE Messekongress (Fair congress for home care), Nürnberg, 26 April 2023. (Invited Speaker)
  • Invited expert, public hearing on the establishment of an institute for Research on Civil Protection, Public Accounts Committee of the Saxon Parliament, online, 15 November 2022.
  • "Pflege als kritische Infrastruktur? - Zur Stärkung der Pflege in Katastrophen" (Care as critical infrastructure - On strengthening care in disasters), ALTENPFLEGE Fair (fair on elderly care), Essen, 26-28 April 2022. (Invited Speaker)
  • "Pflegedienste für Krisen stärken" (Strengthening Mobile Nursing Services in Crises), Deutscher Pflegetag 2021, Berlin, 13-14 October 2021. (Invited Speaker)
  • "Kaum auszuhalten? Vom gelingenden Gestalten herausfordernder Situationen durch innere Widerstandskraft" (Hardly Bearable. On the successful Coping in Demanding Situations through Resilience), Event in the Course of the World Mental Health Day, Diaconia Regional Branch Balingen, ISBA gGmbH et al., Albstadt-Ebingen, 12 October 2021. (Invited Speaker)
  • Ringvorlesung Stadtgespräch Weltethos "Was lernen wir in Tübingen aus der Corona-Krise?" (Weltethos Lecture Series: "What do we learn from the Corona crisis in Tübingen?") | Topic: "Between Crisis and Coping: What do we learn in medicine and care?", online, 16 November 2020. (Invited speaker)
  • Münchner außerklinischer Intensiv Kongress (Munich Congress on Outpatient Intensive Care) (MAIK) | Talk: "Aufrechterhaltung der ambulanten Pflegeinfrastrukturen in Krisensituationen" ("Maintaining home care infrastructures in crises"), online, 23 September 2020. (Invited speaker)
  • Kongress für außerklinische Intensivpflege und Beatmung (Congress on Outpatient Intensive Care and Ventilation) (KAI) | Talk: "Strengthening Care Recipients in Disasters - Results of the Research Project KOPHIS", Berlin, 20-21 November 2019. (Invited speaker)
  • Summer School "Cyber war's. Sicherheit in einer digitalisierten Welt." of the Cusanuswerk | Talk: "What do you mean: 'security'? On the ambiguity of a complex term", Regenstauf, 07 August 2018. (Invited speaker)
  • Symposium on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior on "Aviation Security Control Technology. Technology and Equipment for Civil Aviation Security", GPEC 2016 | Talk: "'Smart Security' at Airports. Smart for whom?", Leipzig, 9 June 2016 (with Andreas Baur). (Invited speaker)
  • Invited expert, public hearing on "Folgen der Militarisierung Minderjähriger" (Consequences of the Militarisation of Minors) of the Children's Commission, German Bundestag (Federal Parliament), Berlin, 17 February 2016.
  • Invited expert, public hearing on "Sicherheit im Fußball - Fans schützen Gewaltäter konsequent verfolgen" (Security in Football - Protection of Fans, Persecution of Perpetrators of Violence) of the Committee of Home Affairs, Landtag (State Parliament) of Saxony, Dresden, 25 June 2015.


Winter Semester 2024/25

The Politics of Migration (Bachelor/Master)

For the people, of the people, by the people? – Theories of democracy in the histories of ideas (Bachelor)

Perspective creates (In)Security: Experiencing and negotiating perspectives on security through interactive methods  (Bachelor/Master)

Security as a topic for the classroom  (Bachelor/Master)

Societal cohesion - A topic for schools? (Bachelor/Master)

The value of resilience | Seminar (Bachelor/Master)


Previous Seminars

The Fabric of International Security: Modes of Knowledge Production and Power Relations in International Relations | Summer Semester 2024 | Seminar (bachelor and master students)

Kritik und Ethik (Critique and Ethics) | Summer Semester 2024 | Seminar (bachelor and master students)

Ethics in International Relations and Peace Studies | Summer Semester 2024 | Seminar (master students)

Der Wert der Resilienz (The Value of Resilience) | Summer Semester 2024 | Seminar (bachelor and master students)

Politics of the Catastrophe and Crisis Governance in the Anthropocene | Winter Semester 2023/24 | Seminar (bachelor and master students)

Resilience, Security and World Politics | Winter Semester 2020/21 | Seminar (for bachelor and master students)

Security in Times of Modern Information Technologies | Summer Semester 2018 | Seminar ( for bachelor and master students; with Andreas Baur)

Security in Football | Summer Semester 2016 | Seminar (for master students) The Paris Climate Summit – Turning Point in International Politics on Climate Change? | Winter Semester 2015/16 | Seminar (for bachelor and master students, with Tobias Haas)

Interviews and Media Appearances

Completed Projects

  • AUPIK (03/2020-06/2023) |Maintaining home care infrastructures in disasters Organisational concepts for increasing care infrastructures' resilience | Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • BuildERS (05/2019-04/2022) | Building European Communities' Resilience and Social Capital | Funded by: EU Horizon 2020.
  • KOPHIS (02/2016 - 04/2019) | Strengthening the context of people in need of care and/or help - Linking Security Authorities and Organisations, Care Infrastructure and Civil-Societal Networks | Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
  • FLORIDA (11/2016-02/2019) |Flexible, semi-automatic Analysis System for the Evaluation of Mass Video Data | Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
  • Hochwasser 2021 (05-11/2022) | The role of private and public companies during the flood of the river Ahr in 2021 | Funded by: German Red Cross General Secreariat.
  • MUSKAT (09/2014-11/2017) |Multisensory based detection of offenders in crowds in complex police operations | Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
  • RESIK (03/2020-06/2023) | Resilience and evacuation planning for socio-economic infrastructures in the medico-social context | Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
  • SmartSec (06/2015-02/2016) | Smart Security at Airports | Funded by: Media Democracy Fund, Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, New Venture Fund | Part of the Quantified Society Grants.