Strengthening the Context of People in Need of Care and Help
Supplying people during crisis and emergency situations challenges public authorities as well as aid organisations. Especially, the basic demands of people in need of care during a crisis have so far hardly been thoroughly examined. Here, stable networks are required between the people in need of care, the civil society and the authorities as well as the aid organisations in charge. These networks need to be established prior to an emergency in order to help in the event of a crisis.
Thereby, KOPHIS understands the population not as the passive recipient of public aid, but aims at treating them as an active subject. Thus, KOPHIS involves care recipients as well as people in need of help in the research process in order to give them an active role in co-designing the concrete research results. Moreover, care-giving relatives and supporters in the near social environment are involved directly and right from the beginning of the project. Additional to scientific analyses, the project’s goal is to practically implement the research results in a model region.
It is the aim to strengthen the resilience of people in need of home care in private households, in all relevant phases of a crisis. Therefore, a significant contribution will be made by interlocking the mostly separately existing fields of authorities and organisations with security tasks and disaster preparedness agencies on the one hand, and civil protection on the other hand, at all stages of the disaster-management cycle. Finally, the project seeks to mitigate existing risks and improve the means at hand for disaster management. Furthermore, the specific and practical concepts under development enable targeted measures in the event of a crisis, as well as a quick return to daily life.
- Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) e. V.
Projektleitung: Matthias Max
Kontakt: sicherheitsforschung @drk.de
- Katastrophenforschungsstelle (KFS) Freie Universität BerlinProjektleitung: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss
Kontakt: martin.voss @fu-berlin.de
- Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement (IAT)Projektleitung: Veronika Zettl
Kontakt: veronika.zettl @iat.uni-stuttgart.de
- Zentrum für Telemedzin Bad Kissingen (ZTM)Projektleitung: Dr. Asarnush Rashid
Kontakt: Layal Shammas | shammas @ztm-badkissingen.de
Associated Partners:
- LANDKREISTAG Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz (ÖRK)
- Niederländisches Rotes Kreuz
Period: Februar 2016 to Januar 2019
Project sponsor: VDI Technologiezentrum