Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

The Ludwig Uhland Institute for Historical and Cultural Anthropology is an institution of the University of Tübingen with a very high profile within the university, regionally, nationally and internationally. Since the post-war years, the name of the Institute has gained a high degree of recognition. The "LUI" stands for a unique process of early modernization and internationalization of the German discipline of "Volkskunde" (Folklore Studies) into the contemporary discipline of "Empirische Kulturwissenschaft" (Historical and Cultural Anthropology).


Burgsteige 11 (Schloss)  |  72070 Tübingen

+49 (0)7071/29-74886    +49 (0)7071/29-5330 (Fax)    luispam      location map

Opening hours



during the semester Monday - Thursday 10 am - 6 pm
Friday 10 am - 2 pm
during the semester break Monday - Thursday 12 am - 4 pm

Institute Administration

(Margrit Stickel)

Tuesday - Thursday

9 - 12 am

2 - 4 pm

Friday 9 am - 2 pm

Academic Administration

(Jasmina Pfeiffer)

Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 12 am
Monday 1 - 2 pm
Tuesday / Thursday 2 - 4 pm

The Institute

The Ludwig Uhland Institute is located in the center of the university town of Tübingen, within the walls of the Tübingen Castle. Seminars take place directly in the institute, while lectures are usually held in the main building of the university. The institute's archive of everyday culture contains important collections of text, image, photo, sound, video and factual documents that are used in teaching and research. The Tübingen Center for Language in Southwest Germany ("Tübinger Arbeitsstelle für Sprache in Südwestdeutschland") and the Digital Anthropology Lab Tübingen are also part of the institute.

The Discipline

Cultural Anthropology in Germany has several strands. The Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology represents the strand of „Empirische Kulturwissenschaft“ (EKW), also known as „European Ethnology“. This discipline studies phenomena of everyday culture from a contemporary and historical perspective. It takes a broad and multifaceted approach to culture: culture consists of the routines, relationships and orders of human coexistence, which it simultaneously creates, stabilizes and constantly renegotiates. Its methodological guiding principle is ethnographic cultural analysis, which is a combination of historical, contemporary and digital approaches.

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